Acually You can do it with put values in key
HMSET lee:25 user_name lee age 25
HMSET massi:43 user_name massi age 43
HMSET lee:24 user_name lee age 24
HMSET lee:28 user_name lee age 28 city Berlin
Now you can find them with "keys" command> keys *:25
1) "lee:25"> keys lee*
1) "lee:25"
2) "lee:24"
3) "lee:28"> keys massi:43
1) "massi:43"
Finally find specific hashes> HGETALL lee:24
1) "user_name"
2) "lee"
3) "age"
4) "24"
All that I said is that you can do it in two steps put any number of values that you need in key then find them. But consider that it's not a good idea to put all values inside key Just put ones that you need to do filtering with. Cheers :)