You should use meteor mongo
; or even shorter meteor mongo
For documentation you can run meteor help mongo
. Extract from running the help command above:
Instead of opening a shell, specifying --url (-U) will return a URL
suitable for an external program to connect to the database. For remote
databases on deployed applications, the URL is valid for one minute.
So what it's saying is, the url provided by running the command with the --url
option is for connecting to the database by some external application, i.e. other than meteor
When you connect to MongoDB, you should get a greeting message similar to this:
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.2
connecting to:
Enter the following command: use userdb_meteor_com
(where userdb_meteor_com is taken from the URL in the greeting message above).
To see your collections (usually they refer to collections created in your Meteor app): show collections
. You should get something like this:
Now you can run usual commands, e.g.: db.users.find({});