If you create a new Rails 4 site you'll notice that generated controllers now include a private method which you use to receive your sanitised params. This is a nice idiom, and looks something like this:
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:username, :email, :password)
The old way of allowing mass assignment was to use something like:
attr_accessible :username, :email, :password
on your model to mark certain parameters as accessible.
To upgrade you have several options. Your best solution would be to refactor your controllers with a params method. This might be more work than you have time for right now though.
Protected_attributes gem
The alternative would be to use the protected_attributes gem which reinstates the attr_accessible method. This makes for a slightly smoother upgrade path with one major caveat.
Major Caveat
In Rails 3 any model without an attr_accessible call allowed all attributes though.
In Rails 4 with the protected_attributes gem this behaviour is reversed. Any model without an attr_accessible call has all attributes restricted. You must now declare attr_accessible on all your models. This means, if you haven't been using attr_accessible, you'll need to add this to all your models, which may be as much work as just creating a params method.