I'm trying to record/process some audio from three usb microphones with Java Sound on Snow Leopard (but can switch to Windows if it fixes things). Problem is, when I try to use the mixer that corresponds to the usb mic, Java Sound tells me that the line isn't supported. Specifically, it says this...
Available mixers:
Java Sound Audio Engine
USBMIC Serial# 041270067
Built-in Input Built-in Microphone
Soundflower (2ch)
Soundflower (16ch)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line unsupported: interface TargetDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 96000.0 Hz, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame,
...when I ask it to select the USBMIC mixer:
Mixer mixer = AudioSystem.
I have tried matching the audio format to the exact specifications of the microphones (16-bit, 44100Hz, stereo) and it didn't make any difference.
The problem is cropping up here:
final TargetDataLine line = (TargetDataLine)
It would seem that the mixer and the TargetDataLine don't like each other. Is there some way to get these two to 'match' and get along?
The microphones that I'm using are admittedly a bit strange. They were made to be used in a karaoke video game called SingStar. The mics themselves have standard mono line-in connectors that plug into a little hub (two to a hub) that converts them into a single male usb connector. Strangeness aside, though, they seem to work perfectly fine with Audacity as separate channels, so multichannel recording with them is clearly possible, just maybe not in Java.
I've also considered using a program like Soundflower that shares audio between different programs. However, I'm not sure this will work as I can't see how to make the USB mics inputs to Soundflower and then pipe them into a Java. A quick experiment showed me that I could record audio in Audacity from the mics, pipe it out through Soundflower, and then process in my Java program. Still, what I would like to do is have it all happen in real time in Java.
Anybody familiar with this kind of problem?