I've pushed my artifact to oss nexus repo, added it as dependency to another project. Idea keeps me warning:
[warn] Unable to reparse com.github.kondaurovdev#jsonapi_2.11;0.1-SNAPSHOT from sonatype-snapshots, using Fri May 13 17:12:52 MSK 2016 [warn] Choosing sonatype-snapshots for com.github.kondaurovdev#jsonapi_2.11;0.1-SNAPSHOT
Maybe i pushed artifact somehow in a wrong way? But i did it earlier, everything was ok. How to get rid of these warnings? Or just ignore them?
sbt update
– MountebankaddMavenResolverPlugin
, but ran into a "Failed to read artifact descriptor".) Perhaps sbt-dev may need to be pinged? – Mountebank