What I do and recommend is to add nuget package NUnit.ConsoleRunner. Note that there are similarly named packages (NUnit.Runners, NUnit.Console) that might work too, but I know that NUnit.ConsoleRunner for sure has the nunit3-console.exe in it ... well at least the version of the package that I'm using (3.4.1) does :) Sadly, nunit versioning and packaging seems to be messy. There are lots of old docs and packages that seems to overlap. And I can't find good/solid up-to-date docs.
Anyway, once you get that package then you can run the exe that's now under your packages directory. For me it's packages\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.4.1\tools\nunit3-console.exe. This works well for calling from a build automation script that is in the solution folder or knows how to find the solution folder.
There's another option that although is not a direct answer to your question does get to what I assume is your desire: to run your nunit3 tests from the command line. If you add package NUnit3TestAdapter, then you can use Visual Studio's built in runner, vstest. If you open a Developer Command Prompt (or PowerShell), then it can be run as 'vstest.console' (without path info since the exe is in the path env var). Of course it has its own command syntax to learn.
, there is onlynunitlite-runner.exe
. – Kape