I'm parsing an XML file via Element Tree in python and and writing the content to a cpp file.
The content of children tags will be variant for different tags. For example first event tag has party tag as child but second event tag doesn't have.
How can I check whether a tag exists or not before parsing?
Children has value attribute in 1st event tag but not in second. How can I check whether an attribute exists or not before taking it's value.
Currently my code throws an error for non existing party tag and sets a "None" attribute value for the second children tag.
<children type="me" value="3"/>
<children type="me"/>
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('party.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for event in root.findall('event'):
parties = event.find('party').text
children = event.get('value')
I want to check the tags and then take their values.