I've wanted to pass through hidden information through a Google Form and came up with a little work around:
Create a new page/section (old vs new forms) on the form with the questions that you want filled. If you have multiple pages, make the hidden page the last for simiplicity.
Use the "continue to page" option on the last page/section you want visible to go to Submit.
Use the prefill tool to get the entry IDs and set up the link as you need.
When a user accesses the form through the pre-filled URL, the hidden data will be filled in on the hidden page and submitted with their other answers... Although it will be hidden from an EU standpoint.
I use this frequently for transferring data from one form to another. With the CopyDown addon to copy the formula after each form submit so that it builds the pre-fill URL, that when clicked, has just the essential questions (i.e. record number, name, etc.) to verify the info. Hit Next, then Submit!