The accepted answer is not optimal, as not all delays are just a few seconds long.
What if you had to test a 10-minute delay?
A better approach would be to use the fake_async package.
Here's an example from their docs that you can adjust for your use case:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fake_async/fake_async.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test("Future.timeout() throws an error once the timeout is up", () {
// Any code run within [fakeAsync] is run within the context of the
// [FakeAsync] object passed to the callback.
fakeAsync((async) {
// All asynchronous features that rely on timing are automatically
// controlled by [fakeAsync].
expect(Completer().future.timeout(Duration(seconds: 5)),
// This will cause the timeout above to fire immediately, without waiting
// 5 seconds of real time.
async.elapse(Duration(seconds: 5));
The above code also works with timers.