Suppose you have a component where you call useQuery, then as soon as the component mounts, useQuery runs and the data is fetched from the server.
But if you use useLazyQuery in that component instead of useQuery, query doesn't run and data isn't fetched when component mounts. Instead you can run the query based on your requirement, say after clicking a button. Example:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useLazyQuery } from '@apollo/client';
function DelayedQuery() {
const [dog, setDog] = useState(null);
const [getDog, { loading, data }] = useLazyQuery(GET_DOG_PHOTO);
if (loading) return <p>Loading ...</p>;
if (data && {
return (
{dog && <img src={dog.displayImage} />}
<button onClick={() => getDog({ variables: { breed: 'bulldog' } })}>
Click me!
Here, as soon as you click the button, then only the query runs and data is fetched and the image is displayed. But if you had used useQuery instead, before clicking the button (i.e when the component mounts), the data would have been fetched and the image would have been displayed