If you have to pass arguments (and/or options), then in v2.0.12 (and may be true for later versions), you need to specify InputDefinition first before instantiating an input object.
use // you will need the following
// tell symfony what to expect in the input
$inputDefinition = new InputDefinition(array(
new InputArgument('myArg1', InputArgument::REQUIRED),
new InputArgument('myArg2', InputArgument::REQUIRED),
new InputOption('debug', '0', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// then pass the values for arguments to constructor, however make sure
// first param is dummy value (there is an array_shift() in ArgvInput's constructor)
$input = new ArgvInput(
'dummySoInputValidates' => 'dummy',
'myArg2' => 'myValue1',
'myArg2' => 'myValue2'),
$output = new NullOutput();
As a side note, if you are using if you are using getContainer() in your command, then the following function may be handy for your command.php:
* Inject a dependency injection container, this is used when using the
* command as a service
function setContainer(\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface $container = null)
$this->container = $container;
* Since we are using command as a service, getContainer() is not available
* hence we need to pass the container (via services.yml) and use this function to switch
* between conatiners..
public function getcontainer()
if (is_object($this->container))
return $this->container;
return parent::getcontainer();
method in 2.4 – Dysplasia