Releasing promo codes for in-app purchases seems like it will prevent an app from (ever again) performing remote server purchase verification!
When a promo code is used for an in-app purchase (the PURCHASES_UPDATED
broadcast), it will completely bypass the purchase flow so the app has no chance to supply an "developerPayload", used for remote verification.
Later when the app call getPurchases() to get/verify owner products, the purchase data for promo purchases won't contain a "developerPayload"
of course, but neither an "orderId"
, also useful for remote verification using the Google Play Developer API.
How is an app supposed to verify in-app purchases made with promo codes?
Allowing users to redeem promo codes through the Google Play Store app/site, thus bypassing the purchase flow, seems like an major oversight which shouldn't be possible.
Issue reports:
- (closed WrongForum)
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