I have had exactly the same requirements: backing up blobs from Azure as we have millions of blobs of customers and you are right - a sloppy developer with full access can compromise the entire system.
Thus, I wrote an entire application "Blob To Local Backup", free and open source on github under the MIT license: https://github.com/smartinmedia/BlobToLocalBackup
It solves many of your issues, namely:
a) you can give only READ-access to this application, so that the application cannot destroy any data on Azure
b) backup to a server, where your sloppy developer or the hacker does not have the same access as to your Azure account.
c) The software provides versioning, so you can even protect yourself from e. g. ransom/encryption attacks.
d) I included a serialization method instead of a database, so you can even have millions of files on Azure and you are still able to keep the synch (we have 20 million files on Azure).
Here is how it works (for more detailed information, read the README on github):
- You set up the appsettings.json file in the main folder. You can give the LoginCredentials here for the entire access or do it more granular on a storage account level:
"App": {
"ConsoleWidth": 150,
"ConsoleHeight": 42,
"LoginCredentials": {
"ClientId": "2ab11a63-2e93-2ea3-abba-aa33714a36aa",
"ClientSecret": "ABCe3dabb7247aDUALIPAa-anc.aacx.4",
"TenantId": "d666aacc-1234-1234-aaaa-1234abcdef38"
"DataBase": {
"PathToDatabases": "D:/temp/azurebackup"
"General": {
"PathToLogFiles": "D:/temp/azurebackup"
- Set up a job as a JSON file like this (I have added numerous options):
"Job": {
"Name": "Job1",
"DestinationFolder": "D:/temp/azurebackup",
"ResumeOnRestartedJob": true,
"NumberOfRetries": 0,
"NumberCopyThreads": 1,
"KeepNumberVersions": 5,
"DaysToKeepVersion": 0,
"FilenameContains": "",
"FilenameWithout": "",
"ReplaceInvalidTargetFilenameChars": false,
"TotalDownloadSpeedMbPerSecond": 0.5,
"StorageAccounts": [
"Name": "abc",
"SasConnectionString": "BlobEndpoint=https://abc.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://abc.queue.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://abc.file.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://abc.table.core.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=sv=2019-12-12&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rl&se=2020-12-20T04:37:08Z&st=2020-12-19T20:37:08Z&spr=https&sig=abce3e399jdkjs30fjsdlkD",
"FilenameContains": "",
"FilenameWithout": "",
"Containers": [
"Name": "test",
"FilenameContains": "",
"FilenameWithout": "",
"Blobs": [
"Filename": "2007 EasyRadiology.pdf",
"TargetFilename": "projects/radiology/Brochure3.pdf"
"Name": "test2"
"Name": "martintest3",
"SasConnectionString": "",
"Containers": []
- Run the application with your job with:
blobtolocal job1.json