I am confused about Domain Driven Design Approaches. From the sources on net I understood it is way of segregating your Domain Objects
and Database Objects
but I don't understand the difference between two.
For an example lets take the code of Polls example in django tutorial, there are two models Polls
and Choice
Are these domain level objects
or database level objects
Is there a need for DDD with an ORM?
If yes, can you provide a good situation where you need to use DDD approach with an ORM
For example, this is the model
class Polls(models.Model):
question = models.CharField(max_length=200)
pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
DDD approach code I have seen people writing
class PollService(object):
def __init__(self, poll_repository):
self.poll_respository = poll_respository
def update(self, poll_id):
poll = self.poll_respository.fetch_by_id(poll_id)
poll.question += '?'
#assume that the following code works?
class PollRepository():
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
def update(self, poll):
except Exception:
Is this a correct approach? I see a lot of redundant code here but people say that Polls
is a domain level object and it should not directly talk to database?
Does DDD always comes with a DDD-reposiotry ? Why we need a DDD repository if we have an ORM
Another approach
def update_poll(poll_id):
poll = models.Polls.objects.get(poll_id)
poll.question += '?'
What is wrong with this approach?