Here is a simple, tested, hopefully portable piece of code converting from struct tm
to seconds since the beginning of an adjustable UTC year, without temporary change of time zone.
// Conversion from UTC date to second, signed 64-bit adjustable epoch version.
// Written by François Grieu, 2015-07-21; public domain.
#include <time.h> // needed for struct tm
#include <stdint.h> // needed for int_least64_t
#define MY_EPOCH 1970 // epoch year, changeable
typedef int_least64_t my_time_t; // type for seconds since MY_EPOCH
// my_mktime converts from struct tm UTC to non-leap seconds since
// 00:00:00 on the first UTC day of year MY_EPOCH (adjustable).
// It works since 1582 (start of Gregorian calendar), assuming an
// apocryphal extension of Coordinated Universal Time, until some
// event (like celestial impact) deeply messes with Earth.
// It strive to be strictly C99-conformant.
// input: Pointer to a struct tm with field tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday,
// tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec set per mktime convention; thus
// - tm_year is year minus 1900;
// - tm_mon is [0..11] for January to December, but [-2..14]
// works for November of previous year to February of next year;
// - tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec similarly can be offset to
// the full range [-32767 to 32767].
// output: Number of non-leap seconds since beginning of the first UTC
// day of year MY_EPOCH, as a signed at-least-64-bit integer.
// The input is not changed (in particular, fields tm_wday,
// tm_yday, and tm_isdst are unchanged and ignored).
my_time_t my_mktime(const struct tm * ptm) {
int m, y = ptm->tm_year+2000;
if ((m = ptm->tm_mon)<2) { m += 12; --y; }
// compute number of days within constant, assuming appropriate origin
#define MY_MKTIME(Y,M,D) ((my_time_t)Y*365+Y/4-Y/100*3/4+(M+2)*153/5+D)
return ((( MY_MKTIME( y , m, ptm->tm_mday)
-MY_MKTIME((MY_EPOCH+99), 12, 1 )
#undef MY_MKTIME // this macro is private
Key observations allowing great simplification compared to the code in this and that answers:
- numbering months from March, all months except the one before that origin repeat with a cycle of 5 months totaling 153 days alternating 31 and 30 days, so that, for any month, and without consideration for leap years, the number of days since the previous February can be computed (within a constant) using addition of an appropriate constant, multiplication by 153 and integer division by 5;
- the correction in days accounting for the rule for leap year on years multiple-of-100 (which by exception to the multiple-of-4 rules are non-leap except if multiple of 400) can be computed (within a constant) by addition of an appropriate constant, integer division by 100, multiplication by 3, and integer division by 4;
- we can compute correction for any epoch using the same formula we use in the main computation, and can do this with a macro so that this correction is computed at compilation time.
Here is another version not requiring 64-bit support, locked to 1970 origin.
// Conversion from UTC date to second, unsigned 32-bit Unix epoch version.
// Written by François Grieu, 2015-07-21; public domain.
#include <time.h> // needed for struct tm
#include <limits.h> // needed for UINT_MAX
#if UINT_MAX>=0xFFFFFFFF // unsigned is at least 32-bit
typedef unsigned my_time_t; // type for seconds since 1970
typedef unsigned long my_time_t; // type for seconds since 1970
// my_mktime converts from struct tm UTC to non-leap seconds since
// 00:00:00 on the first UTC day of year 1970 (fixed).
// It works from 1970 to 2105 inclusive. It strives to be compatible
// with C compilers supporting // comments and claiming C89 conformance.
// input: Pointer to a struct tm with field tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday,
// tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec set per mktime convention; thus
// - tm_year is year minus 1900
// - tm_mon is [0..11] for January to December, but [-2..14]
// works for November of previous year to February of next year
// - tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec similarly can be offset to
// the full range [-32767 to 32768], as long as the combination
// with tm_year gives a result within years [1970..2105], and
// tm_year>0.
// output: Number of non-leap seconds since beginning of the first UTC
// day of year 1970, as an unsigned at-least-32-bit integer.
// The input is not changed (in particular, fields tm_wday,
// tm_yday, and tm_isdst are unchanged and ignored).
my_time_t my_mktime(const struct tm * ptm) {
int m, y = ptm->tm_year;
if ((m = ptm->tm_mon)<2) { m += 12; --y; }
return ((( (my_time_t)(y-69)*365u+y/4-y/100*3/4+(m+2)*153/5-446+
interprets its input as local time. – Fillin