This is a (very) old thread, but I've run into a similar problem of late. In fact, what I needed is a cloning of stdin to stdout with a copy to a pipe that is non blocking. the proposed ftee in the first answer really helped there, but was (for my use case) too volatile. Meaning I lost data I could have processed if I had gotten to it in time.
The scenario I was faced with is that I have a process (some_process) that aggregates some data and writes its results every three seconds to stdout. The (simplified) setup looked like this (in the real setup I am using a named pipe):
some_process | ftee >( > results) | gzip > raw_data.gz
Now, raw_data.gz has to be compressed and has to be complete. ftee does this job very well. But the pipe I am using in the middle was too slow to grab the data flushed out - but it was fast enough to process everything if it could get to it, which was tested with a normal tee. However, a normal tee blocks if anything happens to the unnamed pipe, and as I want to be able to hook in on demand, tee is not an option. Back to the topic: It got better when I put a buffer in between, resulting in:
some_process | ftee >(mbuffer -m 32M| > results) | gzip > raw_data.gz
But that was still losing data I could have processed. So I went ahead and extended the ftee proposed before to a buffered version (bftee). It still has all the same properties, but uses an (inefficient ?) internal buffer in case a write fails. It still loses data if the buffer runs full, but it works beautifully for my case. As always there is a lot of room for improvement, but as I copied the code off of here I'd like to share it back to people that might have a use for it.
/* bftee - clone stdin to stdout and to a buffered, non-blocking pipe
(c) racic@stackoverflow
(c) fabraxias@stackoverflow
WTFPL Licence */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// the number of sBuffers that are being held at a maximum
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define BLOCK_SIZE 2048
typedef struct {
char data[BLOCK_SIZE];
int bytes;
} sBuffer;
typedef struct {
sBuffer *data; //array of buffers
int bufferSize; // number of buffer in data
int start; // index of the current start buffer
int end; // index of the current end buffer
int active; // number of active buffer (currently in use)
int maxUse; // maximum number of buffers ever used
int drops; // number of discarded buffer due to overflow
int sWrites; // number of buffer written to stdout
int pWrites; // number of buffers written to pipe
} sQueue;
void InitQueue(sQueue*, int); // initialized the Queue
void PushToQueue(sQueue*, sBuffer*, int); // pushes a buffer into Queue at the end
sBuffer *RetrieveFromQueue(sQueue*); // returns the first entry of the buffer and removes it or NULL is buffer is empty
sBuffer *PeakAtQueue(sQueue*); // returns the first entry of the buffer but does not remove it. Returns NULL on an empty buffer
void ShrinkInQueue(sQueue *queue, int); // shrinks the first entry of the buffer by n-bytes. Buffer is removed if it is empty
void DelFromQueue(sQueue *queue); // removes the first entry of the queue
static void sigUSR1(int); // signal handled for SUGUSR1 - used for stats output to stderr
static void sigINT(int); // signla handler for SIGKILL/SIGTERM - allows for a graceful stop ?
sQueue queue; // Buffer storing the overflow
volatile int quit; // for quiting the main loop
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int readfd, writefd;
struct stat status;
char *fifonam;
sBuffer buffer;
ssize_t bytes;
int bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
signal(SIGUSR1, sigUSR1);
signal(SIGTERM, sigINT);
signal(SIGINT, sigINT);
/** Handle commandline args and open the pipe for non blocking writing **/
if(argc < 2 || argc > 3)
printf("Usage:\n someprog 2>&1 | %s FIFO [BufferSize]\n"
"FIFO - path to a named pipe, required argument\n"
"BufferSize - temporary Internal buffer size in case write to FIFO fails\n", argv[0]);
fifonam = argv[1];
if (argc == 3) {
bufferSize = atoi(argv[2]);
if (bufferSize == 0) bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
readfd = open(fifonam, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
perror("bftee: readfd: open()");
if(-1==fstat(readfd, &status))
perror("bftee: fstat");
printf("bftee: %s in not a fifo!\n", fifonam);
writefd = open(fifonam, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
perror("bftee: writefd: open()");
InitQueue(&queue, bufferSize);
quit = 0;
// read from STDIN
bytes = read(STDIN_FILENO,, sizeof(;
// if read failed due to interrupt, then retry, otherwise STDIN has closed and we should stop reading
if (bytes < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue;
if (bytes <= 0) break;
// save the number if read bytes in the current buffer to be processed
buffer.bytes = bytes;
// this is a blocking write. As long as buffer is smaller than 4096 Bytes, the write is atomic to a pipe in Linux
// thus, this cannot be interrupted. however, to be save this should handle the error cases of partial or interrupted write none the less.
bytes = write(STDOUT_FILENO,, buffer.bytes);
if(-1==bytes) {
perror("ftee: writing to stdout");
sBuffer *tmpBuffer = NULL;
// if the queue is empty (tmpBuffer gets set to NULL) the this does nothing - otherwise it tries to write
// the buffered data to the pipe. This continues until the Buffer is empty or the write fails.
// NOTE: bytes cannot be -1 (that would have failed just before) when the loop is entered.
while ((bytes != -1) && (tmpBuffer = PeakAtQueue(&queue)) != NULL) {
// write the oldest buffer to the pipe
bytes = write(writefd, tmpBuffer->data, tmpBuffer->bytes);
// the written bytes are equal to the buffer size, the write is successful - remove the buffer and continue
if (bytes == tmpBuffer->bytes) {
} else if (bytes > 0) {
// on a positive bytes value there was a partial write. we shrink the current buffer
// and handle this as a write failure
ShrinkInQueue(&queue, bytes);
bytes = -1;
// There are several cases here:
// 1.) The Queue is empty -> bytes is still set from the write to STDOUT. in this case, we try to write the read data directly to the pipe
// 2.) The Queue was not empty but is now -> bytes is set from the last write (which was successful) and is bigger 0. also try to write the data
// 3.) The Queue was not empty and still is not -> there was a write error before (even partial), and bytes is -1. Thus this line is skipped.
if (bytes != -1) bytes = write(writefd,, buffer.bytes);
// again, there are several cases what can happen here
// 1.) the write before was successful -> in this case bytes is equal to buffer.bytes and nothing happens
// 2.) the write just before is partial or failed all together - bytes is either -1 or smaller than buffer.bytes -> add the remaining data to the queue
// 3.) the write before did not happen as the buffer flush already had an error. In this case bytes is -1 -> add the remaining data to the queue
if (bytes != buffer.bytes)
PushToQueue(&queue, &buffer, bytes);
// once we are done with STDIN, try to flush the buffer to the named pipe
if ( > 0) {
//set output buffer to block - here we wait until we can write everything to the named pipe
// --> this does not seem to work - just in case there is a busy loop that waits for buffer flush aswell.
int saved_flags = fcntl(writefd, F_GETFL);
int new_flags = saved_flags & ~O_NONBLOCK;
int res = fcntl(writefd, F_SETFL, new_flags);
sBuffer *tmpBuffer = NULL;
//TODO: this does not handle partial writes yet
while ((tmpBuffer = PeakAtQueue(&queue)) != NULL) {
int bytes = write(writefd, tmpBuffer->data, tmpBuffer->bytes);
if (bytes != -1) DelFromQueue(&queue);
/** init a given Queue **/
void InitQueue (sQueue *queue, int bufferSize) {
queue->data = calloc(bufferSize, sizeof(sBuffer));
queue->bufferSize = bufferSize;
queue->start = 0;
queue->end = 0;
queue->active = 0;
queue->maxUse = 0;
queue->drops = 0;
queue->sWrites = 0;
queue->pWrites = 0;
/** push a buffer into the Queue**/
void PushToQueue(sQueue *queue, sBuffer *p, int offset)
if (offset < 0) offset = 0; // offset cannot be smaller than 0 - if that is the case, we were given an error code. Set it to 0 instead
if (offset == p->bytes) return; // in this case there are 0 bytes to add to the queue. Nothing to write
// this should never happen - offset cannot be bigger than the buffer itself. Panic action
if (offset > p->bytes) {perror("got more bytes to buffer than we read\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}
// debug output on a partial write. TODO: remove this line
// if (offset > 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "partial write to buffer\n");
// copy the data from the buffer into the queue and remember its size
memcpy(queue->data[queue->end].data, p->data + offset , p->bytes-offset);
queue->data[queue->end].bytes = p->bytes - offset;
// move the buffer forward
queue->end = (queue->end + 1) % queue->bufferSize;
// there is still space in the buffer
if (queue->active < queue->bufferSize)
if (queue->active > queue->maxUse) queue->maxUse = queue->active;
} else {
// Overwriting the oldest. Move start to next-oldest
queue->start = (queue->start + 1) % queue->bufferSize;
/** return the oldest entry in the Queue and remove it or return NULL in case the Queue is empty **/
sBuffer *RetrieveFromQueue(sQueue *queue)
if (!queue->active) { return NULL; }
queue->start = (queue->start + 1) % queue->bufferSize;
return &(queue->data[queue->start]);
/** return the oldest entry in the Queue or NULL if the Queue is empty. Does not remove the entry **/
sBuffer *PeakAtQueue(sQueue *queue)
if (!queue->active) { return NULL; }
return &(queue->data[queue->start]);
/*** Shrinks the oldest entry i the Queue by bytes. Removes the entry if buffer of the oldest entry runs empty*/
void ShrinkInQueue(sQueue *queue, int bytes) {
// cannot remove negative amount of bytes - this is an error case. Ignore it
if (bytes <= 0) return;
// remove the entry if the offset is equal to the buffer size
if (queue->data[queue->start].bytes == bytes) {
// this is a partial delete
if (queue->data[queue->start].bytes > bytes) {
//shift the memory by the offset
memmove(queue->data[queue->start].data, queue->data[queue->start].data + bytes, queue->data[queue->start].bytes - bytes);
queue->data[queue->start].bytes = queue->data[queue->start].bytes - bytes;
// panic is the are to remove more than we have the buffer
if (queue->data[queue->start].bytes < bytes) {
perror("we wrote more than we had - this should never happen\n");
/** delete the oldest entry from the queue. Do nothing if the Queue is empty **/
void DelFromQueue(sQueue *queue)
if (queue->active > 0) {
queue->start = (queue->start + 1) % queue->bufferSize;
/** Stats output on SIGUSR1 **/
static void sigUSR1(int signo) {
fprintf(stderr, "Buffer use: %i (%i/%i), STDOUT: %i PIPE: %i:%i\n",, queue.maxUse, queue.bufferSize, queue.sWrites, queue.pWrites, queue.drops);
/** handle signal for terminating **/
static void sigINT(int signo) {
if (quit > 1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
This version takes one more (optional) argument which specifies the number of the blocks that are to buffered for the pipe. My sample call now looks like this:
some_process | bftee >( > results) 16384 | gzip > raw_data.gz
resulting in 16384 blocks to be buffered before discards happen. this uses about 32 Mbyte more memory, but... who cares ?
Of course, in the real environment I am using a named pipe so that I can attach and detach as needed. There is looks like this:
mkfifo named_pipe
some_process | bftee named_pipe 16384 | gzip > raw_data.gz &
cat named_pipe | > results
Also, the process reacts on signals as follows:
SIGUSR1 -> print counters to STDERR
SIGTERM, SIGINT -> first exits the main loop and flushed the buffer to the pipe, the second terminated the program immediatly.
Maybe this helps someone in the future...