I'm trying to build a query with the doctrine query builder which joins a non related table like this:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('gpr')
->select('gpr, p')
->innerJoin('TPost', 'p')
->where('gpr.contentId = p.contentId')
But this doesn't work. I still get an error:
Error: Identification Variable TPost used in join path expression but was not defined before.
I searched for this error message and everybody answered to use the table alias + attribute like p.someAttribute. But the table I want to join isn't related in the table I start my select from.
As a normal mysql query i would write it like this:
SELECT * FROM t_group_publication_rel gpr
INNER JOIN t_post p
WHERE gpr.content_id = p.content_id
Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?