@Tommy gave a very good answer and I used it to create 3 functions that I think are more convenient in practice.
to make a function strict, you just have to call
instead of
my_fun1 <- function(a,b,c){a+b+c}
my_fun2 <- function(a,b,c){a+B+c}
B <- 1
my_fun1(1,2,3) # 6
strict(my_fun1,1,2,3) # 6
my_fun2(1,2,3) # 5
strict(my_fun2,1,2,3) # Error in (function (a, b, c) : object 'B' not found
To get a diagnosis, execute checkStrict1(f) with optional Boolean parameters to show more ore less.
checkStrict1("my_fun1") # nothing
checkStrict1("my_fun2") # my_fun2 : B
A more complicated case:
A <- 1 # unambiguous variable defined OUTSIDE AND INSIDE my_fun3
# B unambiguous variable defined only INSIDE my_fun3
C <- 1 # defined OUTSIDE AND INSIDE with ambiguous name (C is also a base function)
D <- 1 # defined only OUTSIDE my_fun3 (D is also a base function)
E <- 1 # unambiguous variable defined only OUTSIDE my_fun3
# G unambiguous variable defined only INSIDE my_fun3
# H is undeclared and doesn't exist at all
# I is undeclared (though I is also base function)
# v defined only INSIDE (v is also a base function)
my_fun3 <- function(a,b,c){
a+b+A+B+C+D+E+G+H+I+v+ my_fun1(1,2,3)
checkStrict1("my_fun3",show_global_functions = TRUE ,show_ambiguous = TRUE , show_inexistent = TRUE)
# my_fun3 : E
# my_fun3 Ambiguous : D
# my_fun3 Inexistent : H
# my_fun3 Global functions : my_fun1
I chose to show only inexistent by default out of the 3 optional additions. You can change it easily in the function definition.
Get a diagnostic of all your potentially problematic functions, with the same parameters.
my_fun2 : B
my_fun3 : E
my_fun3 Inexistent : H
strict <- function(f1,...){
function_text <- deparse(f1)
function_text <- paste(function_text[1],function_text[2],paste(function_text[c(-1,-2,-length(function_text))],collapse=";"),"}",collapse="")
strict0 <- function(f1, pos=2) eval(substitute(f1), as.environment(pos))
f1 <- eval(parse(text=paste0("strict0(",function_text,")")))
checkStrict1 <- function(f_str,exceptions = NULL,n_char = nchar(f_str),show_global_functions = FALSE,show_ambiguous = FALSE, show_inexistent = TRUE){
functions <- c(lsf.str(envir=globalenv()))
f <- try(eval(parse(text=f_str)),silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(f, "try-error")) {return(NULL)}
vars <- codetools::findGlobals(f)
vars <- vars[!vars %in% exceptions]
global_functions <- vars %in% functions
in_global_env <- vapply(vars, exists, logical(1), envir=globalenv())
in_local_env <- vapply(vars, exists, logical(1), envir=as.environment(2))
in_global_env_but_not_function <- rep(FALSE,length(vars))
for (my_mode in c("logical", "integer", "double", "complex", "character", "raw","list", "NULL")){
in_global_env_but_not_function <- in_global_env_but_not_function | vapply(vars, exists, logical(1), envir=globalenv(),mode = my_mode)
found <- in_global_env_but_not_function & !in_local_env
ambiguous <- in_global_env_but_not_function & in_local_env
inexistent <- (!in_local_env) & (!in_global_env)
if(any(found)) {cat(paste(f_str,paste(rep(" ",n_char-nchar(f_str)),collapse=""),":", paste(names(found)[found], collapse=', '),"\n"))}
if(show_ambiguous & any(ambiguous)) {cat(paste(f_str,paste(rep(" ",n_char-nchar(f_str)),collapse=""),"Ambiguous :", paste(names(found)[ambiguous], collapse=', '),"\n"))}
if(show_inexistent & any(inexistent)) {cat(paste(f_str,paste(rep(" ",n_char-nchar(f_str)),collapse=""),"Inexistent :", paste(names(found)[inexistent], collapse=', '),"\n"))}
if(show_global_functions & any(global_functions)){cat(paste(f_str,paste(rep(" ",n_char-nchar(f_str)),collapse=""),"Global functions :", paste(names(found)[global_functions], collapse=', '),"\n"))}
} else {return(invisible(TRUE))}
checkStrictAll <- function(exceptions = NULL,show_global_functions = FALSE,show_ambiguous = FALSE, show_inexistent = TRUE){
functions <- c(lsf.str(envir=globalenv()))
n_char <- max(nchar(functions))
invisible(sapply(functions,checkStrict1,exceptions,n_char = n_char,show_global_functions,show_ambiguous, show_inexistent))