Almost every tutorial I find tells me to do this for my event loop:
XEvent event;
while (true)
XNextEvent(display, &event);
switch (event.type)
case Expose:
However, clicking the X to close the program results in this message.
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0"
after 10 requests (10 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
It is indeed strange to me that the examples suggest using an infinite loop. That doesn't sound natural, and my other X11 programs don't do that. So I searched around. I found out how to capture the window close event.
Atom wmDeleteMessage = XInternAtom(mDisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
XSetWMProtocols(display, window, &wmDeleteMessage, 1);
XEvent event;
bool running = true;
while (running)
XNextEvent(display, &event);
switch (event.type)
case Expose:
case ClientMessage:
if ([0] == wmDeleteMessage)
running = false;
That works. It exits without errors. ... But I refuse to believe this is the normal way to do things. I mean, is this the only way to properly exit an X11 app? It seems like a lot of work just to capture the close event. How do I make a 'proper' event loop? Why is the close event so deeply buried? What am I missing?