As noted in the comments, the query in Saharsh Shah's answer must be run multiple times if items are duplicated more than once.
Here's a solution that doesn't delete any data, and keeps the data in the original table the entire time, allowing for duplicates to be deleted while keeping the table 'live':
alter table tableA add column duplicate tinyint(1) not null default '0';
update tableA set
and @quiz_num=quiz_num
and @question_num=question_num
and @answer_num=answer_num,1,0),
order by member_id, quiz_num, question_num, answer_num;
delete from tableA where duplicate=1;
alter table tableA drop column duplicate;
This basically checks to see if the current row is the same as the last row, and if it is, marks it as duplicate (the order statement ensures that duplicates will show up next to each other). Then you delete the duplicate records. I remove the duplicate
column at the end to bring it back to its original state.
It looks like alter table ignore
also might go away soon: