Simple way
To draw any shape, you can use the CSS clip-path property like below.
You can use free online editors to generate this code (ex:
.trapezoid {
clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 84% 41%, 16% 41%);
With reusable code
If you want it more adaptative, you can define a Sass mixin like :
@mixin trapezoid ($top-width, $bottom-width, $height) {
$width: max($top-width, $bottom-width);
$half-width-diff: abs($top-width - $bottom-width) / 2;
$top-left-x: 0;
$top-right-x: 0;
$bottom-left-x: 0;
$bottom-right-x: 0;
@if ($top-width > $bottom-width) {
$top-left-x: 0;
$top-right-x: $top-width;
$bottom-left-x: $half-width-diff;
$bottom-right-x: $top-width - $half-width-diff;
} @else {
$top-left-x: $half-width-diff;
$top-right-x: $bottom-width - $half-width-diff;
$bottom-left-x: 0;
$bottom-right-x: $bottom-width;
clip-path: polygon($top-left-x 0, $top-right-x 0, $bottom-right-x $height, $bottom-left-x $height);
width: $width;
height: $height;
And then use it for the desired element like this (here parameters are $top-width, $bottom-width, $height) :
.my-div {
@include trapezoid(8rem, 6rem, 2rem);