As of Nov 2021, .NET 6
introduces the System.Text.Json.Nodes namespace which:
Provides types for handling an in-memory writeable document object
model (DOM) for random access of the JSON elements within a structured
view of the data
The four new types are JsonArray
, JsonObject
, JsonNode
and JsonValue
The closest type to JObject
is JsonObject
which offers similar functionality.
See below for some examples:
// create object manually using initializer syntax
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject
["Id"] = 3,
["Name"] = "Bob",
["DOB"] = new DateTime(2001, 02, 03),
["Friends"] = new JsonArray
new JsonObject
["Id"] = 2,
["Name"] = "Smith"
new JsonObject
["Id"] = 4,
["Name"] = "Jones"
// random access to values
int id = (int)obj["Id"];
DateTime dob = (DateTime)obj["DOB"];
string firstFriendName = (string)obj["Friends"][0]["Name"];
Some other cool things which now make using System.Text.Json
much easier in .NET6
are listed below.
Parse, Create, and DOM Manipulation
// parse
var jsonObj = JsonNode.Parse(jsonString).AsObject();
If you have a JsonElement
(perhaps after deserializing into dynamic
, object
, or JsonElement
) you can call Create
, now you have a navigable and writable DOM object:
// create
JsonObject obj = JsonObject.Create(jsonElement);
You can Add/Remove properties:
obj.Add("FullName", "Bob Smith");
bool successfullyRemoved = obj.Remove("Name");
Safely interrogate object for particular key using ContainsKey
and TryGetPropertyValue
(which returns a JsonNode
if (obj.ContainsKey("Hobbies"))
// do stuff
if (obj.TryGetPropertyValue("Hobbies", out JsonNode? node))
// do stuff with node
Project and Filter data
It's possible to use Linq to project and filter the JsonObject
// select Keys
List<string> keys = obj.Select(node => node.Key).ToList();
// filter friends
var friends = obj["Friends"].AsArray()
.Where(n => (int)n.AsObject()["Id"] > 2);
Deserialize Json
It's now easy to deserialize the Json or deserialize a portion of the Json. This is useful when we only want to deserialize partial Json from the main object. For the example above we can deserialize the list of friends into a generic List<Friend>
List<Friend> friends = obj["Friends"].AsArray().Deserialize<List<Friend>>();
where Deserilize<T>()
is an extension method on JsonNode
It's easy to serialize the JsonObject
by using ToJsonString()
string s = obj.ToJsonString();
// write pretty json with WriteIndented
string s = obj.ToJsonString(new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }));
In your particular case you could define JsonObject
in your DTO:
public class MyDTO
public JsonObject ExtractedData {get;set;}