I'd like to convert the JSON string
"{ \"birthday\": \"1988-03-18\", \"address\": { \"state\": 24, \"city\": 8341, \"country\": 1 } }"
"{ \"address\": { \"city\": 8341, \"country\": 1, \"state\": 24 }, \"birthday\": \"1988-03-18\" }"
NOTE: I'm not using the sorted version for communication (because the key order doesn't really matter), I need a sorted version to perform local tests (by comparing JSON strings).
EDIT: I4V pointed a solution that uses Json.Net, I would rather use a solution that doesn't need to include any 3rd party library (actually I'm using the built in System.Json in my application)
I posted a gist with the solution provided by I4V + some testing here. Thank you all.