I need to zoom in / out on a scroll pane, relative to the mouse position.
I currently achieve the zooming functionality by wrapping my content in a Group, and scaling the group itself. I create a new Scale object with a custom pivot. (Pivot is set to the mouse position)
This works perfectly for where the Group's initial scale is 1.0, however scaling afterwards does not scale in the correct direction - I believe this is because the relative mouse position changes when the Group has been scaled.
My code:
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
Delta initial_mouse_pos = new Delta();
anchorpane.setOnScrollStarted(event -> {
initial_mouse_pos.x = event.getX();
initial_mouse_pos.y = event.getY();
anchorpane.setOnScroll(event -> {
double zoom_fac = 1.05;
double delta_y = event.getDeltaY();
if(delta_y < 0) {
zoom_fac = 2.0 - zoom_fac;
Scale newScale = new Scale();
newScale.setX( content_group.getScaleX() * zoom_fac );
newScale.setY( content_group.getScaleY() * zoom_fac );
private class Delta { double x, y; }
How do I get the correct mouse position at different levels of scaling? Is there a completely different way to zooming the ScrollPane that is easier?