Paper.js reorient: SVG subpaths are lost
Asked Answered



For generating an icon font, I have a workflow that involves processing SVGs so that they are suitable for using the Node.js package @tancredi/fantasticon.

In general, all packages I found so far, have trouble dealing with SVGs that contain paths which are drawn specifically with fill-rule: evenodd. Hence, I would like to counter that, by converting those evenodd paths into nonzero paths.

Enter Paper.js, and specifically its reorient function. According to its documentation:

Fixes the orientation of the sub-paths of a compound-path, assuming that non of its sub-paths intersect, by reorienting them so that they are of different winding direction than their containing paths, except for disjoint sub-paths, i.e. islands, which are oriented so that they have the same winding direction as the the biggest path.


  • nonZero: Boolean
    • controls if the non-zero fill-rule is to be applied, by counting the winding of each nested path and discarding sub-paths that do not contribute to the final result
    • optional, default: false
  • clockwise: Boolean
    • if provided, the orientation of the root paths will be set to the orientation specified by clockwise, otherwise the orientation of the largest root child is used.
    • optional

Returns: PathItem — a reference to the item itself, reoriented

Based on Fantasticon and Paper.js, I set out to build a Node.js script that would process SVGs and reorient them. I just started using Paper.js, and I am still trying to navigate its documentation. I think I am doing something wrong, but the reorient method removes the inner subpaths, leaving me with the outer-most path. Question is: what is going on, and how can I make sure that reorient correctly converts my SVG from evenodd to nonzero?

I've searched for issues online but could not find any related issues. I tried to reduce my code to the point of only reorienting the intermediate SVG with Paper.js, I can say that it still produces the same issue. So I know where the issue is located, but I can neither explain it, nor resolve it.

This is the SVG: it's a path with several circular vectors placed inside one another.

Visual representation Outlines indicating path start and path direction
The SVG fed into Paper.js; a path with several circular vectors placed inside one another Outlined path, with arrows indicating subpath direction
<svg xmlns="" width="2048" height="2048" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048" version="1.1">
        <path d="M 1065 219.667 C 928.697 225.578, 801.334 266.997, 689.735 341.706 C 524.794 452.125, 411.967 624.641, 377.580 819 C 361.326 910.866, 363.060 1008.833, 382.547 1099.717 C 425.408 1299.614, 552.256 1473.626, 730.162 1576.581 C 860.821 1652.194, 1015.175 1685.465, 1165.500 1670.418 C 1307.062 1656.249, 1439.242 1602.217, 1549.459 1513.468 C 1595.696 1476.236, 1640.162 1430.254, 1675.679 1382.943 C 1751.032 1282.569, 1798.840 1165.254, 1815.028 1041 C 1819.491 1006.746, 1820.409 990.922, 1820.455 947.500 C 1820.499 906.193, 1819.935 894.433, 1816.425 863.500 C 1799.401 713.460, 1735.998 572.921, 1634.389 460 C 1620.962 445.078, 1589.621 413.929, 1575.065 401.038 C 1462.087 300.988, 1318.201 237.992, 1168.500 223.039 C 1133.893 219.582, 1095.676 218.337, 1065 219.667 M 1056.500 336.594 C 1054.300 336.802, 1046.875 337.454, 1040 338.042 C 921.267 348.206, 807.023 393.869, 713.471 468.555 C 539.513 607.434, 455.343 825.867, 491.035 1045.804 C 515.339 1195.565, 595.531 1331.434, 715.500 1426.113 C 812.884 1502.968, 927.829 1547.254, 1052.869 1556.092 C 1074.559 1557.625, 1134.337 1556.718, 1154.500 1554.551 C 1256.184 1543.619, 1346.321 1511.559, 1430 1456.559 C 1499.036 1411.184, 1558.316 1351.792, 1604.293 1281.940 C 1661.702 1194.718, 1694.368 1098.753, 1703.158 991.500 C 1704.731 972.314, 1704.723 920.949, 1703.146 901.500 C 1696.405 818.409, 1676.210 745.349, 1639.966 672.935 C 1582.102 557.325, 1488.514 462.628, 1373.674 403.489 C 1304.671 367.955, 1235.140 347.355, 1154 338.408 C 1140.379 336.906, 1067.530 335.551, 1056.500 336.594 M 1063 481.614 C 1045.975 483.081, 1026.390 485.473, 1014 487.599 C 876.166 511.249, 755.207 597.264, 686.483 720.500 C 656.159 774.876, 637.578 833.933, 630.323 899 C 627.854 921.148, 627.858 971.370, 630.332 994 C 640.747 1089.276, 676.463 1173.297, 737.876 1247 C 750.503 1262.154, 778.390 1289.977, 793.909 1302.904 C 870.840 1366.985, 960.987 1403.601, 1060.246 1411.084 C 1080.332 1412.598, 1127.719 1411.744, 1145.500 1409.547 C 1181.245 1405.132, 1207.016 1399.526, 1238.500 1389.320 C 1383.446 1342.330, 1498.581 1223.546, 1540.952 1077.286 C 1565.629 992.103, 1565.639 901.596, 1540.982 815.874 C 1509.997 708.154, 1437.338 612.202, 1340.952 551.717 C 1281.365 514.325, 1217.517 492.075, 1144.978 483.423 C 1132.197 481.899, 1074.483 480.625, 1063 481.614 M 1070.500 641.029 C 1017.975 645.313, 967.954 662.547, 925.001 691.160 C 906.278 703.632, 896.557 711.504, 880.172 727.465 C 829.070 777.242, 797.980 840.332, 789.483 911.500 C 787.442 928.590, 787.418 964.307, 789.436 981.115 C 796.705 1041.670, 819.662 1095.392, 858.381 1142.450 C 876.560 1164.544, 907.109 1191.110, 932.487 1206.891 C 1017.298 1259.632, 1123.623 1267.351, 1215.812 1227.462 C 1307.180 1187.927, 1374.526 1104.617, 1393.990 1007.046 C 1398.538 984.249, 1399.500 973.677, 1399.500 946.500 C 1399.500 920.132, 1398.558 909.256, 1394.424 887.897 C 1370.927 766.486, 1274.205 669.448, 1153.331 646.016 C 1128.542 641.211, 1093.868 639.123, 1070.500 641.029 M 1081.500 813.629 C 1028.010 819.433, 984.228 854.263, 967.492 904.329 C 962.654 918.800, 960.884 930.093, 960.884 946.500 C 960.884 962.903, 962.654 974.200, 967.488 988.660 C 982.604 1033.877, 1019.988 1067.036, 1067.266 1077.160 C 1080.508 1079.996, 1105.092 1080.260, 1118 1077.706 C 1144.390 1072.483, 1166.676 1060.901, 1185.975 1042.377 C 1238.948 991.532, 1240.841 908.071, 1190.227 854.884 C 1170.637 834.298, 1147.025 821.269, 1119.557 815.887 C 1109.816 813.978, 1089.427 812.769, 1081.500 813.629" stroke="none" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"/>

This is what my code regarding reorienting the SVG looks like:

var size = new paper.Size(2048, 2048);
var paperItem = paper.project.importSVG(
   `<svg xmlns="" width="2048" height="2048" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048" version="1.1">
       <path d="
                M 1065 219.667 C 928.697 225.578, 801.334 266.997, 689.735 341.706 C 524.794 452.125, 411.967 624.641, 377.580 819 C 361.326 910.866, 363.060 1008.833, 382.547 1099.717 C 425.408 1299.614, 552.256 1473.626, 730.162 1576.581 C 860.821 1652.194, 1015.175 1685.465, 1165.500 1670.418 C 1307.062 1656.249, 1439.242 1602.217, 1549.459 1513.468 C 1595.696 1476.236, 1640.162 1430.254, 1675.679 1382.943 C 1751.032 1282.569, 1798.840 1165.254, 1815.028 1041 C 1819.491 1006.746, 1820.409 990.922, 1820.455 947.500 C 1820.499 906.193, 1819.935 894.433, 1816.425 863.500 C 1799.401 713.460, 1735.998 572.921, 1634.389 460 C 1620.962 445.078, 1589.621 413.929, 1575.065 401.038 C 1462.087 300.988, 1318.201 237.992, 1168.500 223.039 C 1133.893 219.582, 1095.676 218.337, 1065 219.667
                M 1056.500 336.594 C 1054.300 336.802, 1046.875 337.454, 1040 338.042 C 921.267 348.206, 807.023 393.869, 713.471 468.555 C 539.513 607.434, 455.343 825.867, 491.035 1045.804 C 515.339 1195.565, 595.531 1331.434, 715.500 1426.113 C 812.884 1502.968, 927.829 1547.254, 1052.869 1556.092 C 1074.559 1557.625, 1134.337 1556.718, 1154.500 1554.551 C 1256.184 1543.619, 1346.321 1511.559, 1430 1456.559 C 1499.036 1411.184, 1558.316 1351.792, 1604.293 1281.940 C 1661.702 1194.718, 1694.368 1098.753, 1703.158 991.500 C 1704.731 972.314, 1704.723 920.949, 1703.146 901.500 C 1696.405 818.409, 1676.210 745.349, 1639.966 672.935 C 1582.102 557.325, 1488.514 462.628, 1373.674 403.489 C 1304.671 367.955, 1235.140 347.355, 1154 338.408 C 1140.379 336.906, 1067.530 335.551, 1056.500 336.594
                M 1063 481.614 C 1045.975 483.081, 1026.390 485.473, 1014 487.599 C 876.166 511.249, 755.207 597.264, 686.483 720.500 C 656.159 774.876, 637.578 833.933, 630.323 899 C 627.854 921.148, 627.858 971.370, 630.332 994 C 640.747 1089.276, 676.463 1173.297, 737.876 1247 C 750.503 1262.154, 778.390 1289.977, 793.909 1302.904 C 870.840 1366.985, 960.987 1403.601, 1060.246 1411.084 C 1080.332 1412.598, 1127.719 1411.744, 1145.500 1409.547 C 1181.245 1405.132, 1207.016 1399.526, 1238.500 1389.320 C 1383.446 1342.330, 1498.581 1223.546, 1540.952 1077.286 C 1565.629 992.103, 1565.639 901.596, 1540.982 815.874 C 1509.997 708.154, 1437.338 612.202, 1340.952 551.717 C 1281.365 514.325, 1217.517 492.075, 1144.978 483.423 C 1132.197 481.899, 1074.483 480.625, 1063 481.614
                M 1070.500 641.029 C 1017.975 645.313, 967.954 662.547, 925.001 691.160 C 906.278 703.632, 896.557 711.504, 880.172 727.465 C 829.070 777.242, 797.980 840.332, 789.483 911.500 C 787.442 928.590, 787.418 964.307, 789.436 981.115 C 796.705 1041.670, 819.662 1095.392, 858.381 1142.450 C 876.560 1164.544, 907.109 1191.110, 932.487 1206.891 C 1017.298 1259.632, 1123.623 1267.351, 1215.812 1227.462 C 1307.180 1187.927, 1374.526 1104.617, 1393.990 1007.046 C 1398.538 984.249, 1399.500 973.677, 1399.500 946.500 C 1399.500 920.132, 1398.558 909.256, 1394.424 887.897 C 1370.927 766.486, 1274.205 669.448, 1153.331 646.016 C 1128.542 641.211, 1093.868 639.123, 1070.500 641.029
                M 1081.500 813.629 C 1028.010 819.433, 984.228 854.263, 967.492 904.329 C 962.654 918.800, 960.884 930.093, 960.884 946.500 C 960.884 962.903, 962.654 974.200, 967.488 988.660 C 982.604 1033.877, 1019.988 1067.036, 1067.266 1077.160 C 1080.508 1079.996, 1105.092 1080.260, 1118 1077.706 C 1144.390 1072.483, 1166.676 1060.901, 1185.975 1042.377 C 1238.948 991.532, 1240.841 908.071, 1190.227 854.884 C 1170.637 834.298, 1147.025 821.269, 1119.557 815.887 C 1109.816 813.978, 1089.427 812.769, 1081.500 813.629" stroke="none" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
(pathItem) => {
   let compoundPaths = pathItem.getItems({
      className: 'CompoundPath'
   compoundPaths = compoundPaths.filter((c) => !c.clipMask);
   for (const path of compoundPaths) {
   var reorientedSVG = paper.project.exportSVG({asString:true});
// reorientedSVG contains the reoriented SVG with its subpaths removed

This is the SVG that has been reoriented, but has at the same time its subpaths removed after I called reorient. What's more, the path is still set to "fill-rule: evenodd". This makes me suspect that I am actually doing something wrong.

The resulting SVG image, as exported from Paper.js after reorienting compound paths

<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svgjs="" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
   <clipPath id="a"></clipPath>
   <path fill="none" d="M0 0h2048v2048H0z"></path>
   <g fill="none" fill-rule="none" stroke-miterlimit="10" clip-path="url(#a)" font-family="none" font-size="none" font-weight="none" style="mix-blend-mode:normal" text-anchor="none"></g>
   <path fill="#000" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1065 219.667c-136.303 5.911-263.666 47.33-375.265 122.039C524.794 452.125 411.967 624.641 377.58 819c-16.254 91.866-14.52 189.833 4.967 280.717 42.861 199.897 169.709 373.909 347.615 476.864 130.659 75.613 285.013 108.884 435.338 93.837 141.562-14.169 273.742-68.201 383.959-156.95 46.237-37.232 90.703-83.214 126.22-130.525 75.353-100.374 123.161-217.689 139.349-341.943 4.463-34.254 5.381-50.078 5.427-93.5.044-41.307-.52-53.067-4.03-84-17.024-150.04-80.427-290.579-182.036-403.5-13.427-14.922-44.768-46.071-59.324-58.962-112.978-100.05-256.864-163.046-406.565-177.999-34.607-3.457-72.824-4.702-103.5-3.372"></path>

Does anyone know how to use Paper.js' reorient? Or am I using Paper.js wrong in its entirety? Anyway, I could use some guidance with trying to change an SVG path from evenodd to nonzero. I appreciate any help, pointers or comments.

Saldivar answered 13/1, 2023 at 8:39 Comment(2)
One solution to your problem would be reversing parts of the d attribute i.e. the second and the forth circleSweeny
I indeed have the idea that fill-rule set to evenodd would indeed point towards reversing path direction for creating alternate vector orientation deeper within the compound path. However, I would like to automate this for the purpose of reducing manual steps and reducing workflow mistakes. It seems like reorient is intended for that purpose.Saldivar

For some reasons it works if you set the reorient argument to 'false':


However, I recommend

  • to parse your svg separately via new DOMParser()
  • create a new paper.js compoundPath object
    let paperPath = new paper.CompoundPath(d);
  • apply the reorient() method and replace original path:
let pathFixed = paperPath.exportSVG({precision:0});
path.setAttribute('d', pathFixed.getAttribute('d'));

Instead of exporting the new paper.js svg output, which contains unnecessary elements (like <g> or <clipPath> elements) we just replace the original d attribute.

var size = new paper.Size(2048, 2048);

// parse svg from markup
let svg = new DOMParser().parseFromString(`
  <svg xmlns="" width="2048" height="2048" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
    <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 1065 219.667 C 928.697 225.578, 801.334 266.997, 689.735 341.706 C 524.794 452.125, 411.967 624.641, 377.580 819 C 361.326 910.866, 363.060 1008.833, 382.547 1099.717 C 425.408 1299.614, 552.256 1473.626, 730.162 1576.581 C 860.821 1652.194, 1015.175 1685.465, 1165.500 1670.418 C 1307.062 1656.249, 1439.242 1602.217, 1549.459 1513.468 C 1595.696 1476.236, 1640.162 1430.254, 1675.679 1382.943 C 1751.032 1282.569, 1798.840 1165.254, 1815.028 1041 C 1819.491 1006.746, 1820.409 990.922, 1820.455 947.500 C 1820.499 906.193, 1819.935 894.433, 1816.425 863.500 C 1799.401 713.460, 1735.998 572.921, 1634.389 460 C 1620.962 445.078, 1589.621 413.929, 1575.065 401.038 C 1462.087 300.988, 1318.201 237.992, 1168.500 223.039 C 1133.893 219.582, 1095.676 218.337, 1065 219.667 M 1056.500 336.594 C 1054.300 336.802, 1046.875 337.454, 1040 338.042 C 921.267 348.206, 807.023 393.869, 713.471 468.555 C 539.513 607.434, 455.343 825.867, 491.035 1045.804 C 515.339 1195.565, 595.531 1331.434, 715.500 1426.113 C 812.884 1502.968, 927.829 1547.254, 1052.869 1556.092 C 1074.559 1557.625, 1134.337 1556.718, 1154.500 1554.551 C 1256.184 1543.619, 1346.321 1511.559, 1430 1456.559 C 1499.036 1411.184, 1558.316 1351.792, 1604.293 1281.940 C 1661.702 1194.718, 1694.368 1098.753, 1703.158 991.500 C 1704.731 972.314, 1704.723 920.949, 1703.146 901.500 C 1696.405 818.409, 1676.210 745.349, 1639.966 672.935 C 1582.102 557.325, 1488.514 462.628, 1373.674 403.489 C 1304.671 367.955, 1235.140 347.355, 1154 338.408 C 1140.379 336.906, 1067.530 335.551, 1056.500 336.594 M 1063 481.614 C 1045.975 483.081, 1026.390 485.473, 1014 487.599 C 876.166 511.249, 755.207 597.264, 686.483 720.500 C 656.159 774.876, 637.578 833.933, 630.323 899 C 627.854 921.148, 627.858 971.370, 630.332 994 C 640.747 1089.276, 676.463 1173.297, 737.876 1247 C 750.503 1262.154, 778.390 1289.977, 793.909 1302.904 C 870.840 1366.985, 960.987 1403.601, 1060.246 1411.084 C 1080.332 1412.598, 1127.719 1411.744, 1145.500 1409.547 C 1181.245 1405.132, 1207.016 1399.526, 1238.500 1389.320 C 1383.446 1342.330, 1498.581 1223.546, 1540.952 1077.286 C 1565.629 992.103, 1565.639 901.596, 1540.982 815.874 C 1509.997 708.154, 1437.338 612.202, 1340.952 551.717 C 1281.365 514.325, 1217.517 492.075, 1144.978 483.423 C 1132.197 481.899, 1074.483 480.625, 1063 481.614 M 1070.500 641.029 C 1017.975 645.313, 967.954 662.547, 925.001 691.160 C 906.278 703.632, 896.557 711.504, 880.172 727.465 C 829.070 777.242, 797.980 840.332, 789.483 911.500 C 787.442 928.590, 787.418 964.307, 789.436 981.115 C 796.705 1041.670, 819.662 1095.392, 858.381 1142.450 C 876.560 1164.544, 907.109 1191.110, 932.487 1206.891 C 1017.298 1259.632, 1123.623 1267.351, 1215.812 1227.462 C 1307.180 1187.927, 1374.526 1104.617, 1393.990 1007.046 C 1398.538 984.249, 1399.500 973.677, 1399.500 946.500 C 1399.500 920.132, 1398.558 909.256, 1394.424 887.897 C 1370.927 766.486, 1274.205 669.448, 1153.331 646.016 C 1128.542 641.211, 1093.868 639.123, 1070.500 641.029 M 1081.500 813.629 C 1028.010 819.433, 984.228 854.263, 967.492 904.329 C 962.654 918.800, 960.884 930.093, 960.884 946.500 C 960.884 962.903, 962.654 974.200, 967.488 988.660 C 982.604 1033.877, 1019.988 1067.036, 1067.266 1077.160 C 1080.508 1079.996, 1105.092 1080.260, 1118 1077.706 C 1144.390 1072.483, 1166.676 1060.901, 1185.975 1042.377 C 1238.948 991.532, 1240.841 908.071, 1190.227 854.884 C 1170.637 834.298, 1147.025 821.269, 1119.557 815.887 C 1109.816 813.978, 1089.427 812.769, 1081.500 813.629" />
`, "image/svg+xml").querySelector('svg');
let path = svg.querySelector('path');
let d = path.getAttribute('d');

// create paper.js compoundPath object
let paperPath = new paper.CompoundPath(d);

// fix path directions
let pathFixed = paperPath.exportSVG({
  precision: 0

// apply to original path
path.setAttribute('d', pathFixed.getAttribute('d'));

// get complete svg
let svgMarkup = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);
svg {
  max-width: 10em;
  height: auto;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;

path {
  fill: #ccc;
  stroke: #000;
  stroke-width: 1px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="processed"></div>
Grew answered 13/1, 2023 at 17:5 Comment(4)
Thank you for this suggestion. I was indeed struggling a bit with the bloated ouput from Paper.js. I will try this one out and report back my findings! :)Saldivar
I am glad to inform you that your approach of creating new paper.CompoundPaths based on every path's d attribute in the SVG, and then use reorient works like a charm!Saldivar
My pleasure, you might also check this codepen example - you can manually change path directions and starting points. Build on working draft getPathData()Grew
Oh wow. That is an impressive interactive example. It's a nice addition in the scope of this question; it helps with understanding how path direction works in relation to compound paths and their subpaths. Good job on that codepen. I love it! :DSaldivar

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