I have a Spring MVC 3.2 application and i need to add a Long Polling to this Web service for a real time chat. I followed this article Spring MVC 3.2 Preview: Chat Sample.
private final Map<DeferredResult<String>, Long> chatRequests =
new ConcurrentHashMap<DeferredResult<String>, Long>();
@RequestMapping(value="/{topicId}/updates" , method=RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody DeferredResult<String> isNewTopic(
@PathVariable Long topicId,
Model model, HttpSession session,
@RequestParam(required = true) String data) throws InterruptedException, CircularDefinitionException{
logger.info("New long polling request "+topicId);
final DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult<String>();
this.chatRequests.put(result, topicId);
result.onCompletion(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
logger.info("Remove request from queue!");
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(Long.valueOf(data)*1000L);
String updates = talkService.findNewTopicResponce(topicId,timestamp);
if (!updates.isEmpty()) {
return result;
@RequestMapping(value= "/{categoryId}" + "/addAnswer", method=POST)
public @ResponseBody Map respTopic(
@PathVariable Long categoryId,
@RequestParam String msg,
@RequestParam(required = false) String imageUrl,
@RequestParam(required = false) String title,
@RequestParam long talkId,
HttpServletRequest request
) throws CircularDefinitionException, MessagingException,TalkNotExistException{
for (Entry<DeferredResult<String>, Long> entry : this.chatRequests.entrySet()){
Now the problem is:
when i call "/{topicId}/updates" if there is not any answer after 30 second the server return Error 500, if someone wrote a message the server return the correct message but the server always responds after 30 seconds, i need the server responds immediately when someone writes a new message and not at the timeout process.