I'm not 100% sure this quite answers the question. But I found the question while looking for how to construct complex queries using Guzzle and none of the answers here were the solution I ended up using. I'm adding it here in case it's ever useful for any other devs.
Using Guzzle 6, you can do this type of request:
$endPoint = "https://example.com";
$queryParams = [
'a' => [
"b" => "c"
$options = [
'debug' => true, // so you can see what the request looks like
'query' => $queryParams
$client->request('GET', $endPoint, $options);
As a real world example, query params like this:
$queryParams = [
'filters' => [
"field" => "status",
"value" => "open",
"operator" => "equal"
"field" => "total",
"operator" => "greater_than",
"value" => 50
'limit' => 500,
'start' => 7
produce a url like this:
The point being that the query
key of the $options
array, seems very powerful. I'd recommend having a play with that before going down the route of writing complex regular expressions.