I'm trying to create a shortcut through python that will launch a file in another program with an argument. E.g:
"C:\file.exe" "C:\folder\file.ext" argument
The code I've tried messing with:
from win32com.client import Dispatch
import os
shell = Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(path)
shortcut.Targetpath = r'"C:\file.exe" "C:\folder\file.ext"'
shortcut.Arguments = argument
shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "C:\" #or "C:\folder\file.ext" in this case?
But i get an error thrown my way:
AttributeError: Property '<unknown>.Targetpath' can not be set.
I've tried different formats of the string and google doesn't seem to know the solution to this problem
path = '"%s"' % path
, to make sure the second path had quotes around the string. The path you put in TargetPath automatically add quotes if needed (spaces in path) – Anatolic