I have tried all the ways I have imagined and I must say the the accepted answer is the unique way to solve the problem of the char type as far as I know.
The char type isn't available for its use in EntityFramework.
Fluent API is included in this restriction.
If you try to put a char on the Property(p => p.MyCharProperty)
will give you an Exception.
That means that char properties aren't available for Fluent API nor Attributes.
The easiest solution is this (as proposed by Ladislav Mrnka).
public class Product
public char Code { get; set; }
[Column("Code", TypeName="char")]
public string CodeString
get { return Code.ToString(); }
set { Code = value[0]; }
One note: you can't put the property private, protected or internal. Must be public.
Fluent API version would be like this.
public class Product
public char Code { get; set; }
//We need the property but we will use the Fluent API to replace the attributes
public string CodeString
get { return Code.ToString(); }
set { Code = value[0]; }
modelBuilder.Entity<Product>().Property(p => p.Code)
, add attribute[StringLength(1, MinimumLength = 1)]
. – Sequoia