How to download entire folder from Firebase Storage?
Asked Answered



I want to download an entire folder from Firebase storage. I can download single files using DownloadURL as follows, but it does not work for folders.

var storageRef =;

// Create a reference to the file we want to download
var starsRef = storageRef.child(path);

// Get the download URL
starsRef.getDownloadURL().then(function(url) {
  // Insert url into an <img> tag to "download"
  ImageUrl = url;

}).catch(function(error) {
  switch (error.code) {
    case 'storage/object_not_found':
      // File doesn't exist

    case 'storage/unauthorized':
      // User doesn't have permission to access the object

    case 'storage/canceled':
      // User canceled the upload

    case 'storage/unknown':
      // Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response

How to download entire folder from Firebase?

Aestivation answered 4/1, 2017 at 10:17 Comment(3)
Question on what you expect the intended behavior to be: an array of all files, a zipped folder containing all files, or something else?Elurd
@MikeMcDonald I want to download a zipped folder containing all files.Aestivation
Here is an elegant solution that will solve all your problems, download all files at once as a single .zip file right on the client side: (March 21, 2021)Rosner

There is no API in Firebase Storage to download all files in a folder. You will have to download the files one by one, or create a zip file that contains all the files.

As Lahiru's answer shows it can be accomplished with gsutils, but that's a server-side operation - not something you'd run in your client-side application.


Garceau answered 4/1, 2017 at 15:8 Comment(1)
I cannot find the way to get all the files and create a zip file from above related links. Please give me some tips to find a way to create a zip file that contains all the files. Thanks for your response.Aestivation

You can use gsutil to download the whole storage bucket

gsutil -m cp -R gs://<bucket_name> .
Embodiment answered 3/10, 2018 at 18:20 Comment(10)
easiest solution!Nectar
This worked well. Installing gsutil was the most time-consuming part.Encapsulate
Don't forget to enter the destination URL after the gsutil command like so: gsutil cp -r gs://<bucket_name> Downloads The destination URL must name a directory, bucket, or bucket subdirectory.Essay
One thing that tripped me up for a bit was I forgot to add the . at the end in the answer above. That . is important :)Bullins
refer to this for installing gsutilDrawn
Thanks, this saved my life. I accidentally deleted files which were only there in my firebase storage.Sit
But, this is system-level installation right? how to archive it via Node APIs?Ludewig
Btw in windows you should run the shell in administrator to not get Access DeniedShanteshantee
Appending folder name after the bucket url also works (if you want to download only one particular folder).Bakery
Is it possible to run that from the backend Admin SDK?Dimenhydrinate

There is no API in Firebase Storage to download all files in a folder. You will have to download the files one by one, or create a zip file that contains all the files.

As Lahiru's answer shows it can be accomplished with gsutils, but that's a server-side operation - not something you'd run in your client-side application.


Garceau answered 4/1, 2017 at 15:8 Comment(1)
I cannot find the way to get all the files and create a zip file from above related links. Please give me some tips to find a way to create a zip file that contains all the files. Thanks for your response.Aestivation

Command gustil for Windows !!!

gsutil cp -r gs://<bucket_name> "D:\path"

Use Cloud tools for PowerShell

REF for install windows >>

Dazzle answered 23/6, 2021 at 4:6 Comment(1)
gsutil is also available for Mac, terminal command is same as above (change dest. path!)...

You can download the folder by creating a zip file of it.

Here is a sample function:

import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import {
} from 'firebase/storage';
import { auth } from '../../Firebase';

export const downloadFolderAsZip = async () => {
  const jszip = new JSZip();
  const storage = getStorage();
  const folderRef = ref(
  const folder = await listAll(folderRef);
  const promises = folder.items
    .map(async (item) => {
      const file = await getMetadata(item);
      const fileRef = ref(storage, item.fullPath);
      const fileBlob = await getDownloadURL(fileRef).then((url) => {
        return fetch(url).then((response) => response.blob());
      jszip.file(, fileBlob);
    .reduce((acc, curr) => acc.then(() => curr), Promise.resolve());
  await promises;
  const blob = await jszip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' });
  saveAs(blob, '');
Terrorist answered 26/6, 2022 at 14:25 Comment(3)
This solution is absolutely great, thank you very much!Moorwort
glad it helped took me a couple hours to figure it outTerrorist
Thanks! You don't probably don't need to call await getMetadata() for the name - in place of should work.Upstate

For a recursive solution that includes subfolders in the zip file, see the following sample. You'll instantiate a jszip object, await promises from a function that zips files and traverses the directories, then save the zip. If the content is a file ("item"), it is zipped into the jszip object. If it is a folder ("prefix"), the function is called again with a new subpath, passing in the same jszip object. For further improvement, you may want to get contents with list and pagination if your contents are too many for listAll, since listAll limits retrievals.

import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import {
  getStorage, ref, getBlob, listAll,
} from "firebase/storage";

const addFilesFromDirectoryToZip = async (directoryPath = "", zip) => {
  const storage = getStorage();
  const directoryContentsRef = ref(
  const directoryContents = await listAll(directoryContentsRef);

  for (const file of directoryContents.items) {
    const fileRef = ref(storage, file.fullPath);
    const fileBlob = await getBlob(fileRef)
    zip.file(file.fullPath, fileBlob);

  for (const folder of directoryContents.prefixes) {
    await addFilesFromDirectoryToZip(folder.fullPath, zip);

export const downloadFolderAsZip = async (directoryPath = "") => {
  const zip = new JSZip();

  await addFilesFromDirectoryToZip(directoryPath, zip);

  const blob = await zip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" });
  const name = directoryPath.split('/').pop();
  saveAs(blob, name);
Upstate answered 30/8, 2022 at 15:23 Comment(0)

Following the suggestions above, I made the .html script.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Download Firebase Storage Folder</title>
  <h1>Download Firebase Storage Folder</h1>

  <button id="downloadButton">Download Folder</button>

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

    // Initialize Firebase with your configuration
    const firebaseConfig = {
            apiKey: 'apiKey....', //replace
            authDomain: 'YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN',
            projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
            storageBucket: 'YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET',
            messagingSenderId: 'YOUR_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID',
            appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',

    // Initialize Firebase
    const app = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

    // Define the downloadFolderAsZip function here
    const downloadFolderAsZip = async () => {
      console.log("Starting folder download...");

      const jszip = new JSZip();
      const storage =;
      const folderName = '/[Your folder name]'; //Your folder name 

      try {
        const folderRef = storage.ref(folderName);
        console.log("Folder reference created:", folderRef);

        const downloadFiles = async (folderRef, path) => {
          const folder = await storage.ref(folderRef.fullPath).listAll();
          console.log("Folder:", path);
          console.log("Files in the folder:", folder.items);

          const promises = (item) => {
            console.log("Downloading file:",;
            const file = await item.getMetadata();
            const fileRef = storage.ref(item.fullPath);
            const fileBlob = await fileRef.getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
              return fetch(url).then((response) => {
                if (!response.ok) {
                  console.error("Failed to fetch file:",;
                  throw new Error('Failed to fetch file');
                return response.blob();
            jszip.folder(path).file(, fileBlob);

          await Promise.all(promises);

          for (const subfolder of folder.prefixes) {
            await downloadFiles(subfolder, `${path}${}/`);

        await downloadFiles(folderRef, '');

        console.log("Number of files added to the ZIP:", jszip.files.length);

        if (jszip.files.length === 0) {
          console.log("ZIP is empty.");

        const blob = await jszip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' });
        saveAs(blob, '');
        console.log("Download completed.");
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error:', error);
        alert('An error occurred while downloading the folder.');

    // Add an event listener to the "Download Folder" button
    const downloadButton = document.getElementById('downloadButton');
    downloadButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  1. Fill the credentials
  2. Fill the folder name
  3. Save
  4. Open the .html file with the browser
  5. Be happy
Theorist answered 13/10, 2023 at 0:2 Comment(2)
This give error in folder name, can you help me to solve errorAdventurous
I have a feeling, that you didn't change all placeholders. Also check Firebase permissions (Firebase Database => Rules)Theorist

The gcloud CLI is now recommended over gsutil. Use the following command to download an entire bucket:

gcloud storage cp "bucket path" . -r


Lorelle answered 30/11, 2023 at 22:19 Comment(0)

If you are working with Firebase Storage, it's recommended to use the gcloud storage commands (instead of gsutil)

Important: gsutil is not the recommended CLI for Cloud Storage. Use gcloud storage commands in the Google Cloud CLI instead. ref

Here's a page with some useful examples on how to use the CLI

In order to copy all files in a folder to a different folder, we can use the [--recursive, -R, -r] flag with the cp command:

gcloud storage cp --recursive fromDir toDir

For example:

gcloud storage cp --recursive gs:// gs://
Pleuropneumonia answered 31/1, 2024 at 12:58 Comment(0)

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