I was trying to apply this to my fbs based app and found the below easily allowed me to style the app by applying it to the AppContext
class AppContext(ApplicationContext):
def run(self):
return self.app.exec_()
def main_window(self):
return MainWindow(self)
if theme_selection == 'Dark':
# # Now use a palette to switch to dark colors:
dark_palette = QPalette()
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor(53, 53, 53))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, Qt.white)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, QColor(35, 35, 35))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.AlternateBase, QColor(53, 53, 53))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.ToolTipBase, QColor(25, 25, 25))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.ToolTipText, Qt.white)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, Qt.white)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Button, QColor(53, 53, 53))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.ButtonText, Qt.white)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.BrightText, Qt.red)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Link, QColor(42, 130, 218))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Highlight, QColor(42, 130, 218))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.HighlightedText, QColor(35, 35, 35))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Button, QColor(53, 53, 53))
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.ButtonText, Qt.darkGray)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.WindowText, Qt.darkGray)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.Text, Qt.darkGray)
dark_palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.Light, QColor(53, 53, 53))
elif theme_selection == 'Light':
You can use Qsettings to save a preference for which mode like this and restore on start.
if settings.contains("theme_selection"):
# there is the key in QSettings
print('Checking for theme preference in config')
theme_selection = settings.value('theme_selection')
print('Found theme_selection in config:' + theme_selection)
if not is_mac():
print('theme_selection not found in config. Using default Darkmode')
settings.setValue('theme_selection', 'Dark')
theme_selection = settings.value('theme_selection')
elif is_mac():
print('theme_selection not found in config. Using default Lightmode')
settings.setValue('theme_selection', 'Light')
theme_selection = settings.value('theme_selection')
Looks amazing could not comment on Michael Herrmann's post to say thanks but did upvote it.
Middle part is xterm.js so that is why its still white for now as its not a QT styled thing.