The 3.6 installer suggests C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32
which is unlike any other software on Windows.
I remember that earlier versions installed to C:\PythonXY
which is also unusual on Windows. Is any of that really a good idea?
In particular, I don't see why I would want to install this only for my user account. The checkbox "Install launcher for all users (recommended)" is default checked which seems incompatible with installing into %APPDATA%
What is a good path to install Python to?
I'm a complete Python amateur and I don't want to cause myself problems. I am fearful of adding a space to the path for example.
Clicking further through the installer it turns out there is a checkbox to install for all users. This immediately sets a Program Files (x86)
based path to the checkbox.
.(windows 10) – Emarginate