To understand how to derive the formula for testing whether a line-segment intersects a rectangle, it's important to remember the properties of the vector dot product.
Represent the line-segment as a unit-vector and a distance between the line-segment's start-point and the origin. Here's some C# code to calculate that from the PointF
variables a_ptStart
and a_ptEnd
, using a Vector
Vector vecLine = new Vector(a_ptEnd.X - a_ptStart.X, a_ptEnd.Y - a_ptStart.Y);
double dLengthLine = vecLine.Length;
vecLine /= dLengthLine;
double dDistLine = Vector.Multiply(vecLine, new Vector(a_ptStart.X, a_ptStart.Y));
You'll also need to calculate the perpendicular vector, and its distance from the origin, for the line segment. Rotating a unit vector by 90° is easy.
Vector vecPerpLine = new Vector(-vecLine.Y, vecLine.X);
double dDistPerpLine = Vector.Multiply(vecPerpLine, new Vector(a_ptStart.X, a_ptStart.Y));
Assuming the four corners of the rectangle are in Vector
variables called vecRect1
, vecRect2
, vecRect3
, and vecRect4
, calculate the distance between the line-segment and all four corners of the target's bounding-rectangle:
double dPerpLineDist1 = Vector.Multiply(vecPerpLine, vecRect1) - dDistPerpLine;
double dPerpLineDist2 = Vector.Multiply(vecPerpLine, vecRect2) - dDistPerpLine;
double dPerpLineDist3 = Vector.Multiply(vecPerpLine, vecRect3) - dDistPerpLine;
double dPerpLineDist4 = Vector.Multiply(vecPerpLine, vecRect4) - dDistPerpLine;
double dMinPerpLineDist = Math.Min(dPerpLineDist1, Math.Min(dPerpLineDist2,
Math.Min(dPerpLineDist3, dPerpLineDist4)));
double dMaxPerpLineDist = Math.Max(dPerpLineDist1, Math.Max(dPerpLineDist2,
Math.Max(dPerpLineDist3, dPerpLineDist4)));
If all distances are positive, or all distances are negative, then the rectangle is on one side of the line or the other, so there's no intersection. (Zero-extent rectangles are considered not to intersect with any line-segment.)
if (dMinPerpLineDist <= 0.0 && dMaxPerpLineDist <= 0.0
|| dMinPerpLineDist >= 0.0 && dMaxPerpLineDist >= 0.0)
/* no intersection */;
Next, project all four corners of the target's bounding rectangle onto the line-segment. This gives us the distance between the line's origin and the projection of the rectangle-corner on that line.
double dDistLine1 = Vector.Multiply(vecLine, vecRect1) - dDistLine;
double dDistLine2 = Vector.Multiply(vecLine, vecRect2) - dDistLine;
double dDistLine3 = Vector.Multiply(vecLine, vecRect3) - dDistLine;
double dDistLine4 = Vector.Multiply(vecLine, vecRect4) - dDistLine;
double dMinLineDist = Math.Min(dDistLine1, Math.Min(dDistLine2,
Math.Min(dDistLine3, dDistLine4)));
double dMaxLineDist = Math.Max(dDistLine1, Math.Max(dDistLine2,
Math.Max(dDistLine3, dDistLine4)));
If the rectangle's points don't fall within the line segment's extent, then there's no intersection.
if (dMaxLineDist <= 0.0 || dMinLineDist >= dLengthLine)
/* no intersection */;
I believe that's sufficient.