Seems to be a difficult task. According to this discussion at there is no clear way to accomplish a 100% correct conversion. But it seems that they are wrong when they assume that the Hindu calendar has only 364 days instead of 365 (or 366 in leap years).
Here you can find a good conversion table including the handling of leap years:
If it is as easy as written there you can try something like this (php code):
function convertDateToHinduDate($date) {
$beginningDayOfMonth = array(
1 => 21,
2 => 20,
3 => 22 + (dateIsLeapYear($date) ? -1 : 0), /* 21 in leap years */
4 => 21,
5 => 22,
6 => 22,
7 => 23,
8 => 23,
9 => 23,
10 => 23,
11 => 22,
12 => 22,
$daysOfHinduMonth = array(
1 => 30 + (dateIsLeapYear($date) ? 1 : 0), /* 31 in leap years */
2 => 31,
3 => 31,
4 => 31,
5 => 31,
6 => 31,
7 => 30,
8 => 30,
9 => 30,
10 => 30,
11 => 30,
12 => 30,
$day = (int) date('d', strtotime($date));
$month = (int) date('m', strtotime($date));
$year = (int) date('Y', strtotime($date));
$monthBefore = $day < $beginningDayOfMonth[$month];
$yearBefore = $month < 3 || ($month == 3 && $day < $beginningDayOfMonth[3]);
$newYear = $year + 57 + ($yearBefore ? -1 : 0);
$newMonth = $month - 2 + ($monthBefore ? -1 : 0);
if($newMonth < 1) $newMonth = 12 + $newMonth;
$newDay = $day - $beginningDayOfMonth[$month];
if($newDay < 1) $newDay = $daysOfHinduMonth[$newMonth] + $newDay;
return date("d-m-Y", mktime(11, 59, 0, $newMonth, $newDay, $newYear));
function dateIsLeapYear($date) {
return date('L', strtotime($date));
$date = date("d-m-Y", strtotime('2012-01-28'));
echo 'Date: ', $date, ' (is leap year: ', dateIsLeapYear($date) ? 'yes' : 'no', ')<br />';
echo 'Converted Hindu date: ', convertDateToHinduDate($date);
Output of this code:
Date: 28-01-2012 (is leap year: yes)
Converted Hindu date: 07-11-2068
But according to the calculator of this Java applet, it should be 05-11-2068 instead of 07-11-2068. So, there are still some conversion rules missing. Maybe you can give me some more information so that i can correct the code above.