I am facing a use case where I would like to declare a static final
field with an initializer statement that is declared to throw a checked exception. Typically, it'd look like this:
public static final ObjectName OBJECT_NAME = new ObjectName("foo:type=bar");
The issue I have here is that the ObjectName
constructor may throw various checked exceptions, which I don't care about (because I'd know my name is valid, and it's allright if it miserably crashes in case it's not). The java compiler won't let me just ignore this (as it's a checked exception), and I would prefer not to resort to:
public static final ObjectName OBJECT_NAME;
static {
try {
OBJECT_NAME = new ObjectName("foo:type=bar");
} catch (final Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create ObjectName instance in static block.", ex);
Because static blocks are really, really difficult to read. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to handle this case in a nice, clean way?
, which is a runtime exception. The program will then just crash. – Pursue