Generally, when using the conditional operator, here's the syntax:
int x = 6;
int y = x == 6 ? 5 : 9;
Nothing fancy, pretty straight forward.
Now, let's try to use this when assigning a Lambda to a Func type. Let me explain:
Func<Order, bool> predicate = id == null
? p => p.EmployeeID == null
: p => p.EmployeeID == id;
That's the same syntax, and should work? Right? For some reason that doesn't. The compiler gives this nice cryptic message:
Error 1 Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'lambda expression' and 'lambda expression'
I then went ahead and changed the syntax and this way it did work:
Func<Order, bool> predicate = id == null
? predicate = p => p.EmployeeID == null
: predicate = p => p.EmployeeID == id;
I'm just curious as to why it doesn't work the first way?
(Side note: I ended up not needing this code, as I found out that when comparing an int value against null, you just use object.Equals)
Func<Order, bool> predicate = p => p.EmployeeID == id
, how come it has trouble inferring this:Func<Order, bool> predicate = id == null ? (Func<Order, bool>) (p => p.EmployeeID == null) : p => p.EmployeeID == id;
? I mean it knows the type that is needed for the second and third operands via the declaration ofpredicate
. – Kelcy