For anyone still having issues with this, I was able to work around this issue by ignoring the first selection changed event and using a thread to basically repeat the call. Here's what I ended up doing:
private int _hackyfix = 0;
private void OnMediaSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
//HACKYFIX:Hacky workaround for an api issue
//Microsoft's api for getting item controls for the flipview item fail on the very first media selection change for some reason. Basically we ignore the
//first media selection changed event but spawn a thread to redo the ignored selection changed, hopefully allowing time for whatever is going on
//with the api to get things sorted out so we can call the "ContainerFromItem" function and actually get the control we need I ignore the event twice just in case but I think you can get away with ignoring only the first one.
if (_hackyfix == 0 || _hackyfix == 1)
Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
OnMediaSelectionChanged(sender, e);
//END OF HACKY FIX//Actual code you need to run goes here}
EDIT 10/29/2014: You actually don't even need the thread dispatcher code. You can set whatever you need to null to trigger the first selection changed event and then return out of the event so that future events work as expected.
private int _hackyfix = 0;
private void OnMediaSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
//HACKYFIX: Daniel note: Very hacky workaround for an api issue
//Microsoft's api for getting item controls for the flipview item fail on the very first media selection change for some reason. Basically we ignore the
//first media selection changed event but spawn a thread to redo the ignored selection changed, hopefully allowing time for whatever is going on
//with the api to get things sorted out so we can call the "ContainerFromItem" function and actually get the control we need
if (_hackyfix == 0)
Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
OnMediaSelectionChanged(sender, e);
//Your selection_changed code here