I am trying to run a spark program where i have multiple jar files, if I had only one jar I am not able run. I want to add both the jar files which are in same location. I have tried the below but it shows a dependency error
spark-submit \
--class "max" maxjar.jar Book1.csv test \
--driver-class-path /usr/lib/spark/assembly/lib/hive-common-0.13.1-cdh5.3.0.jar
How can i add another jar file which is in the same directory?
I want add /usr/lib/spark/assembly/lib/hive-serde.jar
spark-submit [restofyouroptions] --conf "spark.driver.extraClassPath=myjarfile.jar"
– Unconscionable"spark.driver.extraClassPath=/path/myjarfile1.jar:/path/myjarfile2.jar"
– Unconscionable