I found very nice answer on a question about building Expression Tree for Where query.
Expression.Lambda and query generation at runtime, simplest "Where" example
Can someone help me and show me how this example could be implemented in the scenario with nested property. I mean instead of:
var result = query.Where(item => item.Name == "Soap")
With that solution:
var item = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Item), "item");
var prop = Expression.Property(item, "Name");
var soap = Expression.Constant("Soap");
var equal = Expression.Equal(prop, soap);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Item, bool>>(equal, item);
var result = queryableData.Where(lambda);
How can I build the tree for the following?
var result = query.Where(item => item.Data.Name == "Soap").
? Specify this property – Software