In the example given here you can see that instead of using standard css selector syntax there's a custom string syntax that seems to only refer to id.
<div id="player"></div>
// note no 'var' and yet this will work in strict mode
// since 'player' is being implicitly grabbed from the dom
player = new YT.Player('player', ...);
This of course creates the problem of leaking a global variable for whatever the id is named, which is something that I try to avoid (because it creates a loophole for strict mode and is just confusing and unexpected behavior).
A workaround is to hyphenate the name so that it can't be accessed from the global space
<div id="js-player"></div>
// now window['js-player'] is guarded from accidental access
var player = new YT.Player('js-player', ...);
but the bottom line is that using ids is just bad practice and I prefer to avoid them altogether since classes work nicely and don't have the weird side affects.