Based on this existing answer, I've achived something similar to your initial intentions:
function extendBinding(ko, container, viewModel) {
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, container.children()[container.children().length - 1]);
function yourBindingFunction() {
var container = $("#menu");
var inner = $("<select name='list' data-bind='options: listItems'></select>");
extendBinding(ko, container, {
listItems: ["item1", "item2", "item3"]
Here is a JSFiddle to play with.
Be warned, once the new element is part of the dom, you cannot re-bind it with a call to ko.applyBindings
- that is why I use container.empty()
. If you need to preserve the new element and make it change as the view model changes, pass an observable to the viewModel
parameter of the extendBinding