The solution that worked out best for me (or at all) was to initialize a replacement injected implementation (during testing only) of RoboGuice's Ln.Print class to do System.out printing instead of Android's Log printing, given I was actually using Robolectric to avoid having to depend on the Android subsystem to run my tests in the first place.
public class Ln {
* print is initially set to Print(), then replaced by guice during
* static injection pass. This allows overriding where the log message is delivered to.
@Inject protected static Print print = new Print();
So basically:
public class TestModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
public class TestLogPrint extends Print {
public int println(int priority, String msg ) {
return 0;
protected static String getScope(int skipDepth) {
final StackTraceElement trace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[skipDepth];
return String.format("%s | %s.%s | ", new Date(), trace.getFileName().replace(".java", ""), trace.getMethodName());
That of course assuming the standard Robolectric init to hook the module up with RoboGuice:
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Module roboGuiceModule = RoboGuice.newDefaultRoboModule(Robolectric.application);
Module productionModule = Modules.override(roboGuiceModule).with(new CustomRoboModule());
Module testModule = Modules.override(productionModule).with(new TestModule());
RoboGuice.setBaseApplicationInjector(Robolectric.application, RoboGuice.DEFAULT_STAGE, testModule);
RoboGuice.injectMembers(Robolectric.application, this);