I've modified PaxDiablo's code slightly to better fit with what I was doing and thought I'd share. My objective was to loop through a list of IP addresses to see if any were left on, and this code is to be run at the end of the last shift of the weekend to check if everyone is following the instructions to shut down all PCs before they go home.
Since using a goto in a for loop breaks out of all for loops not just the lowest nested for loop, PaxDiablo's code stopped processing further IP addresses when it got to one that was unreachable. I found that I could add a second variable to track that it was unreachable rather than exiting the loop and now this code is now running perfectly for me.
I have the file saved as CheckPCs.bat and though I'm guessing it's not proper coding practice, I do have the IP addresses listed below the code along with a description which in my case is the physical location of the PC. As mentioned by others you will have to modify the code further for other localizations and for IPV6.
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=/ skip=16" %%i in (CheckPCs.bat) do (
set ipaddr=%%i
set state=shut down
set skip=0
for /f "tokens=5,6,7" %%a in ('ping -n 1 !ipaddr!') do (
if "x%%b"=="xunreachable." set skip=1
if !skip!==0 if "x%%a"=="xReceived" if "x%%c"=="x1," set state=still on
echo %%i %%j is !state!
Some notes if you do need to modify this code:
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=/ skip=16" %%i in (CheckPCs.bat) do (
The for loop is processing CheckPCs.bat one line at a time. Skip is telling it to ignore the first 16 lines and go straight to the IP addresses. I'm using / as a delimiter for no particular reason but note that if you are pinging web addresses instead of IP, you'll have to change the delimiter. Something like the pipe character | would work. Of course since the line is commented out with rem, rem becomes the first token which means I only want to work with tokens 2 and 3 which will be the IP address and PC description. The latter field is optional, you'd just have to modify the code to remove it.
You should probably modify the terminology used for state and for echo %%i %%j is !state! so that the terminology is clear and concise for you. If you want to record the state somewhere, you can just feed it into a text file by appending >> file.txt to the line. You might want to also add a date/time in that case.
Lastly, something people with proper training in coding these might know, the way a batch for loop with tokens works (in simple terms) is each section of the text is split up at each delimiter, the default being space, and then it is assigned to a %% variable whose name begins at whichever character you specify and then increases up the ascii character list. This means if I specify to start at %%i, the next token will be %%j, then %%k and so on. If I used %%B, next would be %%C, then %%D etc. There can be a maximum of 31 tokens per another thread I read on the topic.