How to publish artifacts in Travis CI?
Asked Answered



I would like to use Travis CI for my open-source project. The issue that Travis doesn't provide any ways to publish produced artifacts (though, they have this in their future plans).

What are workarounds to publish/upload artifacts somewhere? I'm allowed to execute any scripts on a CI machine.

Simple upload will work, but there is security issue: anyone will be able to upload something in the same way as all sources are public.

Updraft answered 9/9, 2012 at 22:17 Comment(3)
Several years later, I think Travis implemented what you are looking for, though it's currently limited to uploading to S3:
Use this in conjunction with @NickChammas 's link: Their documentation doesn't mention half of the parameters that the artifacts addon actually accepts.Iwo
Travis also now offers a pretty easy to set up github-pages option, see : #23277891Extremity

The "github releases uploading" feature is announced recently. It officially supports everything that is needed. See

Thordis answered 7/6, 2014 at 19:22 Comment(2)
A detailed step-by-step of how to do this:
Except for being able to just upload something to a tag only, without making it a release... :(Boxfish

GitHub releases step-by-step

The method was mentioned at, and is poorly documented at: , so here goes a more detailed step-by-step.

It uploads artifacts to GitHub releases<username>/<repo>/releases which exist for every Git tag you push.

  1. Get a Personal Access Token under

    Only enable "public_repo" access for public repositories, "repo" for private.

    Save the token somewhere as you can only see it once.

  2. Install the travis gem:

    gem install travis
    # See:
    gem update --system

    Then cd into your repository and:

    travis encrypt <api-token>

    but more recently people have reported that travis encrypt -r githubusername/repositoryname --org is needed instead, see:

    This will produce an output like:

    secure: "<encrypted-token>"

    Note down the large encrypted token.

  3. Use a .travis.yml as follows:

      # This command generates a file.
      - make dist
      provider: releases
        secure: "<encrypted-token>"
      file: ''
      skip_cleanup: true

    What happens is that Travis replaces every something: secure: <encrypted-string> with just something: <decrypted-string> as explained at:

    This is safe because only authorized pushes by you can decrypt the string, so if a malicious user tries to make a pull request to get your string, it would should just show the encrypted string.

    Now whenever you push a commit with a tag, Travis will upload to the release:

    git commit -m 1.0
    git tag -m 1.0 1.0
    git push --tags

    If you had already pushed the commit and the tag after, you might have to click the "Restart build" button on the Travis UI for it to upload. has some screenshots of the process.

Alternative method: environment variable

  1. Instead of an encrypted string, we could also use a hidden environment variable.

    On the Travis settings for the repository<me>/<myrepo>/settings create an environment variable:


    and make sure to mark "Display value in build log" as "Off", and use:

    api_key: '$GITHUB_API_KEY'

    While this will not show on logs for pull requests, this method is riskier, as you could my mistake list the environment of a build.

    The upside is that this method is simpler to understand.

A simple example of mine that uploads images generated from Gnuplot to GitHub releases:

Question about GitHub Pages deployment: How to publish to Github Pages from Travis CI?

Dinsmore answered 13/10, 2015 at 18:0 Comment(1)
after long time search, i found the encrypt command is wrong, better travis encrypt -r githubusername/repositoryname --org, see travis issueMalposition

The "github releases uploading" feature is announced recently. It officially supports everything that is needed. See

Thordis answered 7/6, 2014 at 19:22 Comment(2)
A detailed step-by-step of how to do this:
Except for being able to just upload something to a tag only, without making it a release... :(Boxfish

If your project is based on GitHub - likely with Travis - then the easiest way is to check in the generated artifacts under the gh-pages branch. See more on GitHub.

How to do that depends a lot on the used build system. With Maven, you can use maven-scm-plugin - you can find an example here.

EDIT: You can find a full example here:

Uppercase answered 17/9, 2012 at 18:16 Comment(5)
This requires storing Git authentication data publicly in a repo, doesn't it?Updraft
Sorts of... See section "Secure environment variables" on <a href="… Travis page</a>.Uppercase
Secure environment vars seems to be a new feature I didn't know. Thanks!Updraft
Updated link:…Mold
This article explains in detail how to automatically push to gh-pages :

So first you have to be sure that you try to deploy release artifacts. So make tag first in Github. To do it manually:

enter image description here

Then in the .travis.yml file add the following configuration. For gradle users

language: java
  - oraclejdk7

sudo: required

 - chmod +x gradlew

  - ./gradlew clean build -i --continue

  provider: releases
  api_key: ${api_key}
  file: "build/libs/Project.jar"
  skip_cleanup: true
    all_branches: true
    tags: true

Here api_key value is Travis Ci environment variable. Which points to Github api_key.

file is the build artifact produced from the build. Which we want to be deployed to gitHub.

    all_branches: true
    tags: true

is mandatory configuration for tags to be deployed.

No you have to get the api_key from github:

  1. Go to Personal Access Tokens

enter image description here

  1. Choose Generate new token

enter image description here

  1. Select appropriate scopes for the api_key enter image description here
  2. Copy the generated api_key enter image description here
  3. Go to the Travis Ci and add environment variable. For that purpose choose Settings enter image description here
    1. Paste the generated api_key enter image description here

When you trigger new build the artifact will be deployed. enter image description here

Helton answered 26/6, 2016 at 10:37 Comment(1)
I had explained the method at: , but you have screenshots, so get a +1.Dinsmore

Update: GitHub disable the Download API now, so below answer is idea.

My solution is using "secure environment variables" provided by travis-ci and "GitHub repo Download API" with related script

Each repo in GitHub has download pages, it is also the good place to publish your artifacts, and it has related "Repo Download API"

In the end, in the .travis-ci.yml it looks like below

    - secure: "qkE5/TVKQV/+xBEW5M7ayWMMtFwhu44rQb9zh3n0LH4CkVb+b748lOuW3htc\nXfnXU8aGzOsQBeCJZQstfzsHFPkll+xfhk38cFqNQp7tpMo/AOZIkqd2AIUL\n0bgaFD+1kFAxKTu02m11xzkDNw6FuHMVvoMEQu/fo115i2YmWHo="  

  - ./github-upload.rb sdcamp.zh.pdf larrycai/sdcamp --description "generated by travis-ci, $TRAVIS_JOB_ID" --force --name sdcamp.zh.snapshot.pdf --skip-ssl-verification -t $GITHUB_TOKEN

see my detail blog:

Clova answered 25/10, 2012 at 11:16 Comment(3)
Github has disabled the upload/download feature:Please read this new post:
noticed this, then it is not possible for any solution, you can answer this question directlyClova
I am not sure to give my comment as an answer because some poeple does deploy artifacts into the gh-pages branch via check in (see accepted answer). In my mind it is not ok but it is a solution.Bulgar

I realize this is an older question, but I'd like to add another solution to the mix that I believe to be better than the ones discussed thus far.

Use Bintray:

The OP is interested in publishing artifacts from Travis-CI. I recommend using with either an organization, or your own personal account (both work, but in the case of a github org, it might make more sense to have an organization that matches it, and published artifacts from that github org go to it's matching bintray org).

The reason for this is because of what bintray offers and it's support for open source projects. I recommend you take a look here at their overview:

You can also link to JCenter, which makes what you publish much easier for anyone else to consume/download/use (via maven, gradle, SBT, etc).

For Java + Maven:

Once you have bintray setup (your account created or an org), you can easily integrate it with travis. For java & maven builds, you can use travis-ci's encrypted variables option to encrypt the ${BINTRAY_USER} and ${BINTRAY_API_KEY}. Then you can set up maven deploy to push releases into bintray. In the maven settings.xml file, you'll just reference the environment variables you encrypted with travis as the user/pass, ie:


Next, you'll add the distributionManagement section to your project's pom.xml, something like this:


Then you will set up your .travis.yml file to "detect" when there is a release. I've used the first half of the maven release plugin: mvn release:prepare (ignoring the second half -- release:preform) from your local dev box. This will make a tag, bump the version in the pom, etc, on your behalf. What you end up with is a tag of a version (not -SNAPSHOT) in github. This tagged commit makes its way downstream to travis, where your .travis.yml will configure Travis to build & publish.

In your .travis.yml, configure it to test for a TRAVIS_TAG, TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST, and any other checks you want to make before calling mvn deploy. You would do this on after_success. This way, travis builds all the time, but only runs mvn deploy when it's a tag and meets other conditions you want (like for instance, a JDK8 build). Here's an example .travis.yml:

language: java

  - oraclejdk7
  - oraclejdk8

  - mvn clean cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report javadoc:jar
  - test "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" == "false" && test "${TRAVIS_TAG}" != "" && mvn deploy --settings travis-settings.xml

    - master
      # Build tags that match this regex in addition to building the master branch.
    - /^my_awesome_project-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/

    - secure: 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
    - secure: 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

(The secure's are just a made up example, after you encrypt your bintray user and bintray api key with travis, you'll see something similar in your yaml)

This gets you a full end to end system for publishing artifacts "into the wild" where anyone can then consume and use. You're using a service that is designed from the ground up as an artifact repository (bintray), and you are using Travis in a smart way to check for tags that maven release:prepare produces. All together, you decide when releases are made (mvn release:prepare from your local dev box), and travis gets them to bintray.


Note that there's an existing travis-ci/dpl pull request in github to get tighter integration (travis providers) between Travis and bintray built. This makes it much easier to have travis send artifacts to bintray (releases; bintray wasn't intended to hold SNAPSHOTs, use Artifactory for that instead). Even though github has some support for releases, as of this writing, I believe bintray to be superior in this role, and the right tool to use.

Good luck!

Sonics answered 3/6, 2015 at 4:28 Comment(0)

I've put together an example project at illustrating how to do this (partially based on Hosting a Maven repository on github). As explained on the linked answer, the basic idea is to prepare a local repository using the maven-deploy-plugin's altDeploymentRepository, and then use the github site-maven-plugin to push your artifacts to GitHub. Connect Travis to GitHub authentication as explained above.

Dependency answered 8/8, 2013 at 7:7 Comment(2)
@kleopatra thank you; better now? ;-) I'm still new to SO.. does one actually get karma for reacting to such suggestions?Dependency
virtual karma, certainly :-) Well, actually, it can be the other way round: posts with nothing more than a link are in danger of being deleted (if somebody deems them not helpful enough)Maturate

TravisCI now supports releases:

GitHub removed the Download API, but replaced it with releases:

Pontic answered 14/4, 2016 at 7:28 Comment(1)

The integration SBT-Travis-Sonatype consists of the following main steps:

  1. Adding sbt-pgp plugin;
  2. Generating key pair for signing your artifacts and publishing it on a public key server;
  3. Encrypting the key pair and sonatype credential files and adding them to your project;
  4. Creating travis configuration and adding the encrypted key used by Travis to unpack your secret files.

I put together a simple instruction on how to integrate SBT with Travis-CI and Sonatype, it is available here and contains the necessary steps from configuring the project plugins to encrypting the files and providing Travis configuration. It is mostly based on John Duffel’s developer blog combined with sbt-pgp reference docs.

Diehard answered 5/4, 2016 at 22:33 Comment(0)

The first question you should ask yourself is whether you want to publish artifacts from CI builds or whether you want to deploy releases (i.e. to GitHub).

Since there are plenty of answers here regarding uploading releases to GitHub, I will not tackle this topic further.

If you want to get hold of snapshot/CI build artifacts, the easiest way is to have them uploaded to AWS S3. Unfortunately, the documentation for this is a bit rough, especially when you are unexperienced with AWS. So here is what you have to do:

1. Create a AWS IAM user for Travis

To do so, go to and create a new user account for Travis with type Programmatic access. Grant it access to S3 by applying the existing policy AmazonS3FullAccess on the permissions tab.

Once the user is created make sure to copy the Access Key ID as well the secret access key for that user!

2. Create a AWS S3 Bucket for Travis to upload to

That one is pretty straight forward. Only thing to watch out for is to avoid Signature v4-only regions like us-east-2, eu-central-1, etc. (because of A solid choice is us-east-1, which also happens to be the default expected by Travis and thus saves you a little additional configuration. Of course you can also use an existing bucket that meets this requirement.

3. Add environment variables to Travis CI repository settings

Next, go to the settings for your repository in Travis. Create the following new environment variables:

ARTIFACTS_KEY=(AWS access key id from step 1)
ARTIFACTS_SECRET=(AWS secret access key from step 1)
ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=(S3 bucket name from step 2)

4. Enable artifacts addon

Finally, in your repository add the following lines to the .travis.yml in order to activate the artifacts addon

  artifacts: true

If everything went well, you should see your build artifacts popping up in the S3 bucket. You may want to adjust the paths being scanned and so on, as desecribed in the documentation.

Hope that helps someone or another.

Toluidine answered 5/12, 2019 at 5:57 Comment(0)

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