The employee sheet contains the name of the employee in cell C2. The name of the employee should also be on the data sheet in the range B3:B153.
How can I get the rownumber of the cell on the data sheet that matches the employee name?
I tried the following script but it doesn't seem to work.
var Sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var Employeesheet = Sheet.getSheetByName('Employee')
var DataSheet = Sheet.getSheetByName('Data');
var Column = Sheet.getRange(3,2,151,1);
var Values = column.getValues();
var Row = 0;
while ( Values[Row] && Values[Row][0] !=(EmployeeSheet.getRange(2,3,1,1).getValue()) ) {
if ( Values[Row][0] === (EmployeeSheet.getRange(2,3,1,1).getValue()) )
return Row+1;
return -1;