Ok, so i checked out http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/02/animation-in-honeycomb.html
He says you can animate the property of an object in a given time. And i tried moving around objects and it looks fine. I encountered a problem when i went changing the width of a LinearLayout. I got this:
10-26 14:51:27.190: E/PropertyValuesHolder(12681): Couldn't find setter/getter for property width with value type float
Then i tried extending LinearLayout, with "myWidth"
public void setMyWidth(int myWidth) {
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
params.weight = myWidth;
this.myWidth = myWidth;
No luck. Then i tried changing LayoutParams.width, turns out width and height are the only public properties in java history, and ObjectAnimator needs getter and setter. No luck. I'm embarassed to say i tried extending LayoutParams too... with no luck ofc.
Anybody succeded doing such a thing? I used old android.view.animation and i got what i wanted, but i'm curious for the future.