How can i check if a $string
contains any of the items expressed in an array?
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name","tom");
// do something to say it contains
Any ideas?
How can i check if a $string
contains any of the items expressed in an array?
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name","tom");
// do something to say it contains
Any ideas?
is that what you wanted? i hope that code is compiling :)
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name","tom");
if(0 < count(array_intersect(array_map('strtolower', explode(' ', $string)), $array)))
//do sth
n times after exploding? It makes better sense to call strtolower()
before exploding. The 0 <
is unnecessary -- the return from count()
will be a truthy value when greater than zero. This answer is missing its educational explanation. –
Kellikellia I don't think there is a built-in function that will handle what you want. You could easily write a contains()
function however:
function contains($str, array $arr)
foreach($arr as $a) {
if (stripos($str,$a) !== false) return true;
return false;
Str::contains(string $haystack, array|string $needles)
and as str_contains(string $haystack, array|string $needles)
for version 5.6. –
Founder is that what you wanted? i hope that code is compiling :)
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name","tom");
if(0 < count(array_intersect(array_map('strtolower', explode(' ', $string)), $array)))
//do sth
n times after exploding? It makes better sense to call strtolower()
before exploding. The 0 <
is unnecessary -- the return from count()
will be a truthy value when greater than zero. This answer is missing its educational explanation. –
Kellikellia Using the accepted answer:
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name","tom");
if(0 < count(array_intersect(array_map('strtolower', explode(' ', $string)), $array)))
//do sth
Just a side note that the if statement could be changed to:
if(0 < count(array_intersect(explode(' ', strtolower($string)), $array)))
since it's not really necessary to use array_map to apply strtolower
to each element. instead apply it to the initial string.
to tom.
because the explosion on spaces does not trim the punctuation character. You might enjoy str_word_count()
here with a format parameter of 1
. –
Kellikellia One more workaround for contains function
function contains($string, $array, $caseSensitive = true)
$strippedString = $caseSensitive ? str_replace($array, '', $string) : str_ireplace($array, '', $string);
return $strippedString !== $string;
PS. as for me, I'm just using it without function...
if (str_replace($array, '', $string) !== $string) {
// do it
calls. –
Kellikellia We can check if any element of array is exists in a given string.
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name","tom");
if(str_replace($array, '', strtolower($string)) !== strtolower($string)) {
// If String contains an element from array
// Do Something
(or mb_strtolower()
) and assigning to $lower
before the if
condition, you can simplify the condition to if (str_replace($needles, '', $lower) !== $lower) {
. –
Kellikellia Something like this would work:
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$array = array("name", "tom");
foreach ($array as $token) {
if (stristr($string, $token) !== FALSE) {
print "String contains: $token\n";
Will this do the job?
$words = explode(" ", $string);
$wordsInArray = array();
foreach($words as $word) {
if(in_array($word, $array)) {
$wordsInArray[] = $word;
to tom.
because the explosion on spaces does not trim the punctuation character. You might enjoy str_word_count()
here with a format parameter of 1
. –
Kellikellia <?php
$input = preg_quote('blu', '~'); // don't forget to quote input string!
$data = array('orange', 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'pink', 'brown', 'black');
$result = preg_grep('~' . $input . '~', $data);
This is an ideal task to familiarize yourself with regular expressions so that you have a robust, easily adaptable, and direct script.
It is important to understand your own criteria for matching.
Here is a battery of patterns that demonstrate a few likely combinations. Notice that most of the tooling is done via "pattern modifiers" after the closing pattern delimiter. The \b
means a "word boundary"; if you are not familiar with this metacharacter, please invest in more research and find other posts on Stack Overflow that implement them.
Code: (Demo)
$string = 'My nAmE ïs Tom.';
// case-sensitive matching, including partial matching
$array = ['foo', 'nAmE'];
$regex[] = '#' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $array)) . '#';
// case-insensitive matching, including partial matching
$array = ['foo', 'om'];
$regex[] = '#' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $array)) . '#i';
// case-insensitive matching, full word matching only
$array = ['foo', 'tom'];
$regex[] = '#\b(?:' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $array)) . ')\b#i';
// case-insensitive matching, full word matching only, multibyte aware
$array = ['foo', 'ïs'];
$regex[] = '#\b(?:' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $array)) . ')\b#iu';
foreach ($regex as $r) {
if (preg_match($r, $string, $m)) {
echo "found '$m[0]' using $r on $string\n";
} else {
echo "no match using $r on $string\n";
By using a delimiter which is included in preg_quote()
's list of escaped characters (e.g. #
), you can simply call preg_quote
by its name inside of array_map()
Here's a reusable helper function that uses the PHP 8+ function str_contains
function str_contains_any($haystack, $needles, $case_sensitive)
foreach ($needles as $needle)
if (str_contains($haystack, $needle) || (($case_sensitive === false) && str_contains(strtolower($haystack), strtolower($needle))))
return true;
return false;
Usage example:
$haystack = 'This is a load of shizzle';
$needles = ['fudge', 'shizzle'];
$match_found = str_contains_any($haystack, $needles, true); //true
function contains($str, $arr)
$ptn = '';
foreach ($arr as $s) {
if ($ptn != '') $ptn .= '|';
$ptn .= preg_quote($s, '/');
return preg_match("/$ptn/i", $str);
echo contains('My nAmE is Tom', array('name', 'tom'));
Another way to do with array_intersect() function, Try below code :
function checkString(array $arr, $str) {
$str = preg_replace( array('/[^ \w]+/', '/\s+/'), ' ', strtolower($str) ); // Remove Special Characters and extra spaces -or- convert to LowerCase
$matchedString = array_intersect( explode(' ', $str), $arr);
if ( count($matchedString) > 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
return array_intersect(str_word_count(strtolower($str), 1), $arr);
? –
Kellikellia I have done some testing because I needed to check user inputs against a list of words we didn't allow.
I have found that converting everything to lowercase (because my list is lowercase) and then using array intersect was by far the fastest.
**First Option I Tested**
$tempString= explode(' ',strtolower($string));
$foundWords = array_intersect($tempString,$profanities);
Time taken: 0.00065207481384277
**The second option I tested**
$tempWords = explode(' ',$words);
foreach ($tempWords as $word)
foreach ($profanities as $profanity)
if (stripos($word,$profanity) !== false) return true;
Time Taken: 0.024131059646606
there is easier Method
$string = 'My nAmE is Tom.';
$convert=explode(" ",$string,5);
if(in_array("My", $convert)){
echo "Ja";
echo "Nein";
* ! Only assumes that $needles strings does not contain the character '|'
function contains(string $haystack, array $needles)
$regex = '/' . str_replace('\|', '|', preg_quote(implode('|', $needles))) . '/i';
return preg_match($regex, $haystack);
Code demo:
Regex demo:
is not escaped by default via preg_quote()
. If a needle contains a forward slash, then the pattern will break. You need to explicitly nominate /
as the delimiter parameter. –
Kellikellia © 2022 - 2024 — McMap. All rights reserved.
My username is Tom.
should result in a match forname
. This is a common fork in business requirements for developers. Sometimes, making a partial match is absolutely fine; other times, it is critical that only full-words are matched. – Kellikellia