I am making a CORS POST request and setting the Content-Type header to json. This triggers a Preflight OPTIONS request to fire (this is good and expected)
This OPTIONS request is responded to with a 200 OK but this isn't coming from my WebAPI application.
I have a custom Message Handler in place and it never get's hit so the request is getting responded to by IIS prior to hitting ASP.NET it seems.
I have found several posts on the subject and they say the following
Make sure WebDav is uninstalled / removed / disabled - DONE
Make sure the OPTIONSVerbHandler is removed / changed to use aspnet_isapi.dll - TRIED BOTH
Make sure the extensionlessURLHandler includes the OPTIONS verb - DONE
However, my options request is still getting hijacked. By that I mean, IIS responds with at 200 OK but isn't including an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response. It isn't including this header because it is never getting to my WebAPI CORS code that would set this header.
The two best posts I could find that sound like my issue are
here: JQuery stuck at CORS preflight and IIS ghost response
and here: http://brockallen.com/2012/10/18/cors-iis-and-webdav/
I have tried turning on Failed Request tracing (FERB) in IIS and set it to trace all 200 status codes. I don't ever see the options request being logged... Not sure if this means FERB doesn't track OPTIONS requests or if I need to change something in the FERB settings to make it track OPTIONS requests, Or if this is a clue to what my problem is?
This is ASP.NET WebAPI 2.0 running on IIS 7.5 (Also tested on IIS 8 and IISExpress with same results) Doesn't matter what browser (Chrome, FF, and IE all fail the same way)
I have tried everything I can find on the subject and still can't fix my problem.
Help me StackOverflow, you're my only hope.