Using the configuration below, my logfile will be called 'test-debug.log' and it will grow infinitely for everytime I run the script. I just want this logfile to contain the log records from the most recent run of the script. The log should be deleted before starting again.
How do I do that?
logger = logging.getLogger('test') #Create a log with the same name as the script that created it
#Create handlers and set their logging level
filehandler_dbg = logging.FileHandler( + '-debug.log')
#Create custom formats of the logrecord fit for both the logfile and the console
streamformatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(levelname)s:\t%(threadName)s:\t%(funcName)s:\t\t%(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S') #We only want to see certain parts of the message
#Apply formatters to handlers
#Add handlers to logger
, but there was no further information about what and whymode=a
was the default.. Now I think I understand that it comes fromfileIO
syntax or something like that? – Hamitic