Why some developers create one method that returns new static? What is the reason to have a method that returns new static? I am not asking what is the difference between static and self, or what static & self mean. For example, here is one simple class:
class Expression
public static function make()
return new static;
public function find($value)
return '/' . $value .'/';
public function then($value)
return $this->find($value);
public function hi($value)
return "hi";
As you can see, there is a static method make() which returns new static. Then, some developers call other methods like this:
$regex = Expression::make()->find('www');
What is the purpose of this? I see that here we don't use new Expression syntax, and if that's the point - then why not make all methods static? What is the difference, what is the reason to have that one method that returns new static (while other methods are not static)?
new static()
, but if you do... It's for re-use. You can define the staticmake
method in a single base class and you will have the same functionality from derived classes. – Littles